Chapter 7

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"It's not that bad, Mal," Evie tried to assure the purple haired girl. "You can pull this off just as well as I could."

"That's the worst lie you've ever told, E," Mal replied, faceplanting onto her bed. "This is a disaster. I don't know a thing about boys or dating, which is why we chose you to seduce him in the first place!"

"It's not like you can fuck up. He's under a spell, anything you do would be enticing to him," Evie said. Mal was going to argue, just for the sake of arguing, when Jay and Carlos burst through the door.

"Did you know Tourney involves those prissy princes getting beat to shit?" Jay asked, excited beyond belief. "We have to go."

So here they were, sitting in the stands. The Auradon kids gave them a wide berth, casting wary glances at the four. Whispers followed them as they made themselves comfortable, watching as the Auradon Prep team came out onto the field, facing their opponents. Jay was practically vibrating in his seat, ready to watch one of the teams get pummeled. Carlos sighed, shaking his head slightly. Jay was getting too excited for this when there was no way Auradon would let teams get hurt. That was the Isle way, not the Auradon way. Carlos wasn't looking forward to having a sulking Jay to look after once the game was over. The whistle blew and the game started. Carlos had no idea what was happening, instead focusing on the cannons that blew out discs for the team to dodge and how one was looking quite wonky and spitting out the discs either too slowly or too quickly. Carlos ran blueprints through his head, not noticing when Jay stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Mal asked Jay, watching as he pushed his way to the end of the bleachers.

"The Auradon Prep team sucks, they're losing 10 to none already, and no one has drawn blood yet. I'm gonna show them how it's done." Jay easily made his way down to the court, picking up a Tourney stick and tying his hair back, throwing his beanie to the side. He had no difficulty running onto the field, body checking an opposing player and taking the ball from him. Jay danced around the flying discs and it was only then that Carlos noticed the boy on the field. His eyes stayed glued to Jay as the announcers freaked out. Jay payed everyone no mind as he flipped and tumbled out of the way of the flying discs before shooting the ball into the net as if he'd been practicing his whole life. Everyone was still, no one sure what to say. It wasn't until the Auradon Prep coach blew his whistle that everyone broke out of their shock and awe. The coach waved Jay over, a stern look on his face. Carlos couldn't hear what was being said, but he knew the coach couldn't be happy. The coach was gesturing wildly, as was the opposing coach. The two men seemed to get into a fight before Auradon Prep's coach called Chad Charming over. Chad didn't look happy, in fact he looked furious, but he took off his jersey and forcefully handed it over to Jay. Jay looked ecstatic, glancing up in the stands and shouting to the three VKs "I MADE THE TEAM!" Carlos could feel everyone's eyes on them and curled into himself, blushing. Mal had no qualms shouting back at Jay.

"GREAT JOB, YOU'RE ON THE WORST TEAM IN HISTORY! YAY." The sarcasm was evident in her voice but Jay just rolled his eyes, put on Charming's jersey and went back onto the field. In no time, the teams were tied. Charming was sitting on the bench, giving Jay what was supposed to be an evil look, but considering Jay lived on an island filled with villains and henchmen, it wasn't very effective. The cheerleaders had stopped cheering, confused as to what they should do. Audrey looked like she was outright refusing to cheer if Jay stayed on the team. Carlos smirked. It's not like she was any good to begin with. None of the girls were. They weren't flexible and their cheers were abysmal at best. Carlos could probably do better. Out on the field, time was running out. Jay, like usual, didn't pass to anyone and stormed his way through lines of defense before sending the ball into the net and winning the game single handedly. The three VKs in the stand began cheering as it seemed none of the AKs knew what to do about the fact that their team had a villain kid on their team who was better than all their players combined. As Carlos, Mal and Evie calmed down, Ben stood up to make an announcement.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are eager to inform you that we have accepted Jay onto our team. Everybody give it up for Jay!" There was a quick round of gentle clapping before it quieted down. "I have one more announcement to make..." And then Ben burst into song, choreographed and all. Jay stood in the back, looking completely weirded and grossed out by the display. He was singing about his love for a girl and how it was ridiculous. And it really did not come as a surprise to any of the VKs when he pointed out Mal and made his way up the bleachers,leaning into Mal as if to kiss her. She successfully evaded him, an angry red finding its way to her cheeks. Evie plastered a smile on her face, though inside she was fuming. How dare he try to kiss Mal without her consent. They had to deal with a lot of stuff happening to them without their consent on the Isle, especially Carlos and her, but seeing it almost happening to Mal made her blood boil. This boy was ridiculous. No one payed Audrey any mind as she grabbed Chad and kissed him on the bleachers, too focused on what Mal would say after being asked to be Ben's girlfriend.

"Um...yes?" Mal said, unsure of herself. She glanced briefly at Evie, unsurprised to see a fake smile on her face.

"She said yes!" Ben said, rather redundantly. There was forced applause all around. Seriously, Mal thought to herself, just what was in that fucking cookie?

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