Chapter 3

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"She got you good, huh C?" Jay asked, turning the boy's face towards him to inspect the scratches.

"I've had much, much worse Jay, seriously," Carlos responded, gently removing Jay's hand from his face and turning his attention to the front. "Holy shit." His eyes widened as they neared the edge of the Isle. It looked like they were going to drive right off.

"Was this a fucking trap?" Jay demanded, panic seizing his lungs. The driver said nothing, although they could see him roll his eyes in the mirror.

"Answer him!" Mal yelled, gripping Evie's hand, the girl having hid her face in Mal's shoulder. Mal's eyes flashed a bright green but no one noticed as a golden, magical bridge closed the gap from the Isle to Auradon, passing over the shark infested waters and making it to the clear ocean instead.

"Whoa," Evie exclaimed, lifting her head from Mal's neck. The kids all ignored the candy in front of them, convinced it could be poisoned despite the growling in their stomachs. Instead, they watched the ocean pass by. They had never seen water so clear in their entire lives. Waves gently lapped at golden sand, instead of the crashing waves that hit the jagged rocks on the Isle. It was already so different and they hadn't even been on Auradon land for more than three seconds. Green grass greeted them, large trees that still had their leaves and bright, bright sunshine that had no clouds of smog blocking it. The VKs didn't know if they loved it or hated it. It was too clean, too prissy and bright for them. They would have to adjust to the warmer climate and to the sun shining on them at all times. It would be quite a bit of work on their already exhausted bodies.

It took a few hours but finally the teens could see the top of Auradon Prep. They pulled into the quad and were greeted with the loud sound of music and a large group of gawking princes and princesses. Wow, way to make them feel like a freak show.

"Whose great idea was this?" Mal murmured to herself, staring out the tinted windows at the pastel outfits swarmed the area. Absently she itched at her arm. The vehicle came to a stop in front of the large crowd and the group with pristine instruments that were blaring loudly. "Come on everyone, let's go." Mal pushed open the door, stepping out first. Jay crawled out next while Evie and Carlos came out last, standing behind the two dominant figures. A boy with sandy blonde hair and a girl hanging off his arm stepped forward, a sickly sweet grin on his face.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Ben--" the boy began, but the girl cut him off, staring stupidly at him.

"Prince Ben, and I'm Princess Audrey," she giggled before turning to stare at the VKs with a sneer. "Let me guess who you are." Her voice couldn't get any more disgusted. She pointed at Evie first. "Old witch's daughter." Carlos. "Puppy skinner's kid." Jay. "Pedophile's son." Mal. "And you must be the Mistress of screwing things up's daughter."

"Get your bitch under control Prince Ben, or I'll cut out her tongue," Mal hissed, her eyes flaring green and the itch under her skin growing more insistent.

"I think that's enough, Audrey," a plump woman said, emerging from the crowd. Her voice was nasally and annoying. "And even if we're annoyed, we do not utter threats, young lady."

"Of course, Faerie Faemina, how silly of me," Mal practically hissed. "My apologies, daughter of Aurora."

"Please, call me Fairy Godmother. Now, what do you say, Audrey?"

"How did you know who my mom was?"

"Fine, sorry or whatever." Mal smirked thinly at the apology.

"I knew who your mom was because I can see, dipshit. You obviously have it out for me more than you do the rest of them."

"That is enough, girls!" Fairy Godmother chastised. "Now--oh my goodness." She stopped short when she noticed Carlos shuffling behind Jay's imposing figure. She rushed towards the boys, immediately making Jay tense, ready for a fight. Carlos flinched back violently as the woman neared him. "We must get you to the nurse's station, dear boy. How did that happen?" She was motioning towards the long, grime filled scratches down his cheek.

"He's fine," Jay said for Carlos, moving to cover the smaller boy more.

"Obviously not, young man. Please move aside--"

"I said, he's fine." Jay narrowed his eyes at Fairy Godmother, not liking how persistent she was being.

"Don't be rude Jay," Mal forced out. "Thing is, Fairy Godmother, is that Carlos doesn't like...nurses so we're a bit apprehensive. How about you magically heal him? Would that be alright?" Mal was straining to continue being nice, Evie could tell. She placed a gentle hand on the girl's back, rubbing small circles. Mal immediately relaxed into the touch, though she did keep her guard up.

"Oh, I would if I could child, but magic is forbidden from Auradon. We don't need it anymore," Fairy Godmother replied, looking genuinely upset.

"But--but what about your wand? And-And all the magical items that were in the stories we were told?" Carlos managed to force out, his voice shaking and his heart pounding a mile a minute. His hands were gripping tightly to Jay's vest, trying to keep himself anchored.

"Oh, they were all locked away in the museum. I'm sorry, dear. Does it hurt? I know you don't like doctors but you really should--"

"Do you mind if we clean it up ourselves?" Evie butted in, grinning innocently. "We've had to patch ourselves up before. Minor scrapes and all that, you know? We will take good care of Carlos, but he's so very afraid of d..doctors." The word felt foreign in her mouth. She didn't even really know what a doctor or nurse was, which is why both her and Mal had hesitated before talking about them.

"I guess that's alright..." Fairy Godmother said reluctantly, her eyes lingering on the shaking form of Carlos. She took his reaction as one of fear for the doctors instead of what it truly was, fear of getting hit or beaten by this woman. "But only if I stay to oversee it."

"No, we can do it ourselves," Mal insisted, her hands in fists by her sides. "It's not your problem, back off."

"Okay," Ben awkwardly butted in, laughing nervously. "I think it's time for the tour."

Ben took them around the large palace grounds, pointing out his father's statue. Carlos nearly had a heart attack when it turned from man to beast and, if Jay hadn't instinctively wrapped a hand around his wrist, Carlos would probably be halfway back to the Isle by now. As they entered the castle, Ben broke away, saying he had some paperwork. Behind him stood a shorter boy with glasses, looking the proper nerd.

"Doug will gladly take over your tour," Ben said, pushing the boy forward before walking away. Doug fearfully scanned the villains until his eyes landed on Evie. His eyes widened comically and his mouth dropped open. Evie shifted, not liking the way the boy was staring at her but knowing that sometimes sex allure and flirting was the only way to stay alive. As Mal watched the boy stare at Evie, anger welled in her chest. How dare he look at her like that when she was obviously uncomfortable! Evie wasn't his to look at, Mal thought to herself. She's mine, a deeper part of her subconscious ground out.

"Hey, Dung was it?" Mal asked.

"A-Actually it-"

"Yeah, I'm sure we can figure this out ourselves so if you could point us in the directions of our room that would be great."

"Uh, boys are in one wing while girls are in the other," Doug replied.

"Did I fucking stutter? Where's my room?" Mal demanded. Doug shakily pointed towards a set of stairs. Everyone made their way to them, not sparing Doug a second glance.

"Wait!" Doug called. Evie turned ever so slightly, nodding to let the other three know to go ahead of her but they all stopped anyway. "What's-What's your name?" The girl pursed her lips and glanced down to connect eyes with him.

"I don't think that's any of your business," Mal hissed. Evie smiled at the girl's protectiveness. The boy made her uncomfortable, but she may need him later on.

"Evie, daughter of Grimhilde." At his dumbfounded look, Evie smirked and the four villain kids continued on their way.

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