Chapter 8

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Today was the day. Their first day of classes. It had only been three or so days since their failed heist, something they were still reeling over. The four headed to their first classes, sticking together and running anyone off who thought it wise to sit next to them. Finally, they had to say goodbye to each other. The four were lucky enough to have their first two classes, a double period of Auradon History. However, Carlos had computer science, Jay had gender, media and culture, Mal had English literature and Evie had chemistry. After giving each other solemn nods, they all parted ways. Evie focused on keeping her head held high while everyone stared at her. She wasn't used to not having someone there at her back, watching it so no one would put a knife in it, literally. She strutted down the halls in her heels, knowing people were talking about her but pretending not to care, or at least pretending they were saying good things. Evie quickly made her way into the right classroom, scanning the room quietly and noticing the cabinet that Carlos had broken into. There was no sign that anyone had noticed and Evie sighed in relief, taking a seat and setting a hand on her purse subconsciously.

"Hello," someone said, sitting in the seat beside her. Evie nearly jumped, her hand flying into her bag and gripping the vial of hydrofluoric acid. She let it go once she saw the boy she had met before, Doug was it? He wasn't a threat worth using her weapons over.

"Hi," she responded, extracting her hand from her purse. "You scared me." Evie forced a blush onto her face and giggled slightly.

"Didn't mean to," Doug said, blushing himself and leaning his head onto his fist. Evie turned towards the front, ready for the lesson when her eyes caught on something. Well, more like someone. A voice in her head that sounded eerily like her mother demanded her to ask about him. Never one to argue with her mother (knowing the consequences), Evie turned towards Doug.

"Who's that? He looks...familiar?" Evie tried to come up with a reason to be asking about the boy.

"That's Chad Charming, Cinderella and Prince Charming's kid." Doug rolled his eyes at the back of the boys head. Prince? Asked the voice in her head, too close to her mother's voice for Evie's liking. Ensnare him and get mom off the Isle. Do it, do it, doitdoitdoitdoitdOITDOITDOIT. Evie had to use all her strength not to put her hands to her ears to try and block out the noise. Flinching, Evie had to pull her mirror and lipstick out of her bag and primp in order for the voice in her head to go away, to stop it from continuing on to the point it starts to criticize her every look. She barely registered Doug talking, or him getting slightly annoyed that she had whipped out her mirror in the middle of a conversation. Once she was done, she let out a slight sigh. She resolved to at least talk with this Chad boy and see if it would be that bad 'ensnaring' him, as the voice had so helpfully suggested.

"Evie!" The teacher called. "Doing your makeup in class? Maybe this is review to you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?" Shit that would take her a minute to calculate.

"Well," she began, her mirror hanging loosely at her side. "106.905 times .5200 plus 108.905 times .4800, which, Mr. Delie, would give us 107.9 AMU."

"Right," Mr. Delie said, a surprised look on his face. Evie pursed her lips. "Always a mistake to underestimate-"

"A villain?" Evie asked, a dark air around her. "Don't make it again." That man had wanted to humiliate her in front of the entire class. What teacher does that? She thought only villains took pleasure in humiliating people younger than them but apparently she was dead wrong. This teacher would be hers specifically to target once the four villain kids had taken over Auradon. Good luck Mr. Delie. While Evie was too focused on her ideas of avenging herself, Doug was giving her weird glances until he noticed the mirror in her hand. A look of understanding crossed his face. There's no way she would know that off by heart, he thought to himself, too caught up in his own delusions to realize Evie had not once glanced at her mirror. Chad Charming was also looking at Evie, though a dumb look was spread across his face, a plan forming in that miniscule brain of his. When the bell rang, Chad stopped Evie, asking her to meet under the bleachers later. She agreed, though something in her made her feel reluctant to go. Maybe she didn't want what her mother had insisted she have but it was still engrained in her every fibre, that she was useless for everything except snagging a Prince. Her mother had starved it into her since she was able to understand the concept of marriage. That is to say, very young. Evie exited the room, feeling slightly like a weight was hanging off her shoulders.

Evie met up with the others in their dorm room. They would've gone to lunch except they didn't fancy being the talk of the cafeteria. They had that enough at breakfast. Carlos pulled a bag of food from under the boy's commandeered bed and passed it out. They all dug in, no one talking much, too busy with shoving food down their throats. Even Evie, always elegant Evie, succumbed to the powers of having fresh food to eat and stuffed her own face. Once they had finished their food, the group sat on the beds, facing one another, and filled each other in on what to expect from classes and certain teachers to look out for. Evie made sure to mention Mr. Delie, his obvious distaste for VKs and his attempt to humiliate her. She also included that the man was hers to deal with when the time came. The others nodded darkly, grim looks flashing across their faces.

"Anything else before the bell rings and we have to go to Remedial Goodness with Fairy Godmother?" Mal asked, looking around the group.

"Chad Charming asked me to meet him under the bleachers and I intend on meeting him," Evie blurted."Just so you all know where I am and who I was with if something were to, you know, happen." Mal felt her face burn with rage at the implication that something would happen to Evie, but felt her anger grow at the thought of Evie and some guy underneath the bleachers, like some scandalous couple getting in a quickie before class.

"Thanks for letting us know, E," Jay said. The bell rang, signalling the start of classes and the fact that they were late. "Well, guess that's our cue. Let's make this 'remedial goodness' hell for FG." Evie and Carlos filed out first, followed by Jay, who looked back at Mal with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Evie's a pretty girl and is going to get attention, M. Make a move soon or else you may not have the chance to, ever again." Jay then left, leaving Mal alone to stew in her thoughts.

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