I sighed.

'Maybe, but I miss them.'

I missed being able to flex my abs in the mirror, and wear crop tops with confidence. But I haven't been able to workout nearly as much anymore. I couldn't take advantage of the two gyms in Starship because I had too much work on my hands.

"You're pretty no matter what," Shownu said softly to me, planting a kiss on my cheek, "Now come on. We've got our date to get back to."

I sat on the couch, flipping through Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" I called to Shownu.

He was busy making popcorn in the kitchen.

"I don't know, you pick," he replied.

I grumbled, not sure what to chose.

'Let's do an action film,' I muttered.

I love action films.

Eventually, I stopped on something that would make me cringe, but also had quite a few explosions.

"Let's do The Fast and Furious 15!" I called to Shownu.

He walked out of the kitchen with popcorn and candy. His hair was a bit wet because he took a quick shower as soon as we got home. We were both in our matching Gucci print pajamas.

"They haven't given up on making those awful movies yet?" Shownu chuckled.

"Come on, it'll be good," I pouted.

Shownu sighed, flopping down on the couch next to me, "Alright, fine."

"It's not like we actually watch the movie anyway," I muttered.

He handed me the bowl of popcorn and I started the movie. Shownu opened up a bag of Redvines and started eating them. I grabbed one too, munching on the sweet snack.

"How was training today?" I asked, leaning into Shownu's chest.

"It was great," Shownu replied, "It's always great. But I miss having you there with me."

I smiled, my eyes shifting from the TV.

"When are you going to come back?" Shownu asked.

"Soon I hope," I sighed, "I need to get back to full health."

"Well, we'll be waiting for you," Shownu replied softly, "The guys miss you. They barely get to see you nowadays."

I nodded, a bit sad.

Shownu noticed my mood took a nosedive, so he changed the subject.

"I think Taeyong should join us soon, too," Shownu continued, "He's definitely cut out for my dance team."

I chuckled.

"You really want Taeyong in your practice room, don't you?" I laughed.

"Of course! He's so talented," Shownu smiled.

The movie caught our attention. Shownu and I watched the ridiculousness of the film for a while. Eventually, I felt Shownu start to kiss my neck. Like clockwork, at around thirty minutes into any given movie, he did this.

"You're not tired?" I asked, turning my face towards him.

Shownu shook his head enthusiastically.

I chuckled before leaning in to kiss him.

Shownu's lips, of course, are pillowy soft and plump. After five years, I've not gotten bored of them. I doubt I ever will.

Shownu's hand crept up my shirt, gripping onto the side of my rib cage. I felt inspired by his handsy-ness, so I skimmed my hands against his clothed chest. Shownu took the hint and pulled away to take off his shirt.

I took off my shirt too, straddling Shownu's legs. He looked at me, a faint smile on his lips.

"I love you," he muttered.

"I love you too," I replied, leaning in for another kiss.


"You've got to be kidding me," I groaned, glaring at the door.

"Just ignore it," Shownu said, his voice needy. His hands rubbing up and down my back.

I nodded, turning my attention back to Shownu's luscious lips.


The knocks were more urgent this time. Whoever it was, wasn't going to leave until someone answered the door.

"Fuck," I muttered, getting off of a disappointed Shownu.

I put on my shirt and went to answer the door.

"What?!" I yelled, my anger directed at whoever was cock-blocking me right now.

It was my Minhyuk, with an adorable little boy at his side.

"Hi Jiyeon," Minhyuk smiled timidly, "I know I agreed to watch Taeyong, but I have a family emergency. So I have to drop him off early. Is that okay?"

I looked back at Shownu, who was staring dejectedly at the TV.

"It's okay," I smiled, reaching out for Taeyong's small hand, "Come on, let's watch a movie."

Taeyong smiled at me, reaching out for my hand. I picked him up and held him in my arms. He was starting to get heavy.

"Bye Hyung," Taeyong said.

"Bye!" Minhyuk smiled to the toddler, "I'll see you again soon."

Minhyuk hurried down the hall, and I was left with this little boy.

My little boy. Sohn Taeyong.

"Where is Hyung going?" Taeyong pouted, disappointed that his best friend was leaving.

"I'm not sure," I replied, closing the door and walking over to the couch.

"Daddy looks sad," Taeyong added, looking at Shownu.

I chuckled, looking at Shownu. He was clearly upset that our private time was ruined. But he would get over it soon.

"He's just tired," I replied, patting Taeyong's head.

Taeyong was a bit of a... surprise. Shownu and I didn't plan on having kids for a while, or at least until after he retired from the industry. But three years back, I was shocked to figure out I was pregnant.

Once Taeyong came into our life, I had to give up on being a bodyguard. Now I'm just a stay-at-home mom. A stay-at-home mom was the last thing I wanted to be.


I looked over to Shownu. Taeyong was climbing onto his lap, remote in hand. Taeyong's favorite movie was Finding Dory, and we were about to watch it for the millionth time. Shownu's sad expression shifted to a smile as he pat Taeyong's tiny head.

You see, I wouldn't give this up for anything.

Nothing happens the way I plan it, but it always turns out okay.

The Bodyguard (A Monsta X Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora