20 - drama

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'What's wrong with you man? Keep him still' cleo said as Stephen and Mitchell held my brother down on the floor and she got ready to spray him with a fire extinguisher
'Fraser, father' Alfie said as Fraser and dad walked in the door with confused looks
'Ready for your appraisal smoother?' Dad asked, nervous for Alfie's job
'Yeah, just as soon as I've washed the word twat off my forehead' he nodded and we looked at the black ink on his forehead
Cleo sprayed the fire extinguisher onto his face with full force
'Yep, that should do it' he said dryly
'Brooke, there's someone for you at reception' a receptionist smiled at me as she walked into my maths class
'Ok thanks' I smiled as she left and I stood up 'I'll be two minutes'
On my way down the stairs I could hear a baby crying, my baby crying. I sprinted down the rest of the stairs, pushing anyone that was in my way until I could see my aunt there with my baby.
'Is everything ok?' I asked in a panic as I took aurora from her arms and cradled her where her crying stopped
'She's got a fever, sorry I had to bring her here Brooke but she wanted her mummy' my aunt smiled and I nodded
'Thanks Sarah' I smiled at my aunt and turned to the receptionist who I know is fond of Frank 'can you call Fraser down here please?'
'Of course' she smiled and pushed a button on her phone pad 'is that yours and graysons baby?'
'Yeah' I smiled and brushed through her small amount of hair with my hand
'She's got so big since i last saw her' she grinned 'she's gorgeous'
'Thank you'
'What's happening my Gs?' Fraser asked as he approached us 'aww it's the baby'
'Yeah, Fraser can she stay with me today?' I pleaded 'please, she's got a fever and I can't go home'
'Well it's not reallyyyy allowed' he hesitated and I made a puppy face 'but we do loads of things that aren't allowed so I don't see why not'
'Oh thank you Fraser' I said gratefully as aunt Sarah handed me her bulging baby bag
'Thanks Sarah' I called as she left and Fraser was playing with the baby in my arms
'Thanks again Fraser' I grinned as I began walking back to maths
'You got it homeslice' he nodded and I laughed, shaking my head
'Sorry, I'm back' I smiled to mollingson as Frank saw me walk in with his baby and ran over, taking the baby bag from my struggling arms 'Fraser approved it'
'Is she ok?' Frank asked as we sat down and he held her little hand as she sucked her dummy and looked around the room
'Just a fever' I said 'she'll be fine'
'Fraser said she can stay?' Frank asked and I nodded, rocking her gently
'Erm hi are you Brooke?' A girl a bit shorter than me but clearly younger asked as I walked down the corridor after lesson with Frank who had his hand on my lower back and the baby bag on his right shoulder and aurora who was asleep in my arms
'All day everyday' I smiled 'can I help you?'
'Someone told me to give you this' she said nervously and handed me a white envelope
'Who? What is it?' Frank asked in his usual, scary tone
'I-I don't know their name, I don't know what it is' she stuttered 'I have to go'
'That's weird' I frowned to Frank as the girl scuttled down the corridor
'Open it' he said and took aurora from my arms and he cradled her as we continued walking
I ran my thumb under the sealed flap neatly and opened the envelope to see three pieces of folded paper
'What is it?' Frank asked as I shook my head and shrugged, taking the baby and baby bag from him 
'I have to get to French class, I'll see you later baby' I said and kissed him as he kissed me
'I'll take aura, I only have sport' he said and I raised an eyebrow
'Are you sure?' I asked reluctantly as he took her and the back back from me
'Yes, bye' he smiled and kissed me again as I kissed aurora and walked in the other direction, opening my letter as soon as I sat down in French

There are a lot of things I need to address to you in this letter. Do not come and talk to me until you have seen everything enclosed in this envelope. I am your enemy number 1. I have been for months now, but I wish I wasn't. It is my own fault, partly, but I want to tell you everything in this letter and maybe this will fix us if you know the whole truth.

When you were on maternity leave, Frank was moved to sit next to me in a lot of lessons where he normally sat next to you. At first he was horrible to me, or he just ignored me altogether, but eventually he began talking to me like a person and we gradually got closer and closer. That was my first mistake. When I realised that Frank wasn't being horrible to me anymore I decided to test some boundaries. Mistake number 2. I 'accidentally' brushed his leg with my hand and sat closer to him so my legs touched his when I moved. Mistake number 3,4,5. He moved away from my hand or leg every time but I am extremely sorry for initiating any physical contact between me and your boyfriend.

The day before you came back as a visitor an incident did occur between me and Frank which I'm not sure if he told you about before. If not, I must deeply apologise in advance for my actions which you're about to hear. It was a Wednesday, lunch break, after I had eaten - by this time I had already realised that I had caught strong feelings for Frank and I did want him to be my boyfriend and to sleep with him, obviously neither of these happened and I'm sorry for even having the thoughts. I walked into the boys toilets and Frank was at the urinal minding his business. I stood directly next to him and glanced down at his length. I instantly got a full boner and couldn't pee. Frank didn't even acknowledge me and he finished his business as I watched him (which he didn't realise), then when he was shaking his thing to dry I made the biggest mistake of my life. I reached over and tried to toss him off gently which caught him off guard and put him in a state of shock. He punched me and done his trousers up instantly as he shouted abuse at me and then left the toilet in an angry rage. I am so so sorry that this happened and that I thought it would be ok to do that, I realised soon after how wrong it was of me and I am truly and deeply sorry.

After that, you came back to school and you are very aware of the rest, which I am equally sorry for. In the envelope that this letter was in, I have left a gift of two tickets to see anything in theatre as an apology, a photograph of us before all of the drama to remind you of how close we can be again and my half of the matching necklaces we have from when we were 12 until you're ready for me to be your friend again.
I love you bestie,

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and pulled out the ticked and photograph from the envelope, pouring the necklace into my hand and squeezed it as I cried a little more, staring at the photo and letter. The picture was in black and white, I was on the left with a feather boa round my neck and was pouting with a funny face. Chantel was in the middle and was taking the selfie as she had her feather boa round her neck and across her shoulder, laughing genuinely. Stephen was on chantel's right and hand his feather boa round his back and on his arms, doing a peace sign to the camera with a confident pose. I wiped the tears again and ripped the photo so it was just me and chantel. I grabbed the necklace, the tickets and the half of the photo that only had Stephen and walked to the bin, throwing them all in there and taking a picture to show him later.
He thought he could do that to my boyfriend and that I would forgive him, he thought wrong and this is war.


⭕️19th may 2019

⭕️I am so sorry for not uploading in such a long time, I hope this is ok

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