19 - strike (part 1)

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Summer term was here, it was the first day back after the Christmas holiday. Chantelle was sat on her chair, doing lots of work while everyone else was sat around talking and laughing. I was sat on my chair on FaceTime to my auntie who was looking after aurora, the camera was facing the 3 month old baby so I could see her little smiling face which made my heart so full.
'I miss you baby girl' I cooed and she smiled and babbled 'I do, your daddy misses you too but we have to be at school'
'She misses you too' my auntie said as she held the phone to the baby's face
'Has she been alright? Is she ok? Should I come home?' I asked in one go as it was my first time leaving her for the day
'Brooke, she's fine' my auntie laughed and so did aurora which made me grin 'have fun at school, we'll see you and Frank when you pick her up'
'Alright, thank you again for this' I said and she put her face on the screen now
'You don't need to thank me, I'll see you soon, bye' she smiled and I returned it before she hung up and I put my phone away
'It's summer term bitches' Alfie cheered as he walked in with sunglasses on
'Rem dogg why are you in drag?' He asked as he stared at Rem dogg who was dressed in black with eyeliner on
'He's gone emo' I shrugged to Alfie
'Oh jing, it would appear you've forgotten to do the register' Alfie also pointed out
'Once you label me, you negate me' she said deeply
'Oh hang on a sec' Alfie said sitting on his desk 'hollow eyes, polo neck, I believe jing is having a little teenage existential crisis'
'You don't understand' she said and sat on her chair
'Alright enough with the doom and gloom' Alfie hummed 'Krispy kremes for all'
'Why would you get Krispy kremes? You know I'm trying to lose the baby weight' I huffed jokingly
'One donut won't hurt babes, you don't need to lose any weight' Chantelle said to me as she looked up from the book she was writing in
'It does when you carried a seven and a half pound baby inside you' I smiled and she shook her head with a smile
'Chantelle I have prepared remarks for glazed holes, sticky rings and muffin tops' Alfie said
'I'm busy' she replied, looking up momentarily again
Joe walked in with a hat on before anyone could do anything else.
'Oh god' I sighed 'might aswell get it over with'
Joe pulled of the hat to reveal a completely bald and shiny head.
'Are you ill or racist?' Alfie asked slowly
'I kept getting nits' he said 'mum said it was the only way to stop getting them'
'It's not awful' Alfie said unsurely 'I prefer it shaved'
'I'll take note of that' Chantelle piped up with a smirk
'I thought you were busy' Alfie shook his head
'It's alright babes, have a donut' Stephen said and I didn't look at him
'I can't' Joe sighed and sat on our table so I stood up to walk around the table and hug him a bit 'I'm on a vegan diet'
'Guys have you been kidnapped by puberty?' Alfie asked
'Oh my god auntie is phoning, what if somethings wrong' I panicked as my phone rang and her caller id lit up my phone
'It's probably nothing, answer it' Alfie said
'What's wrong? I can be to yours in 10 minutes of i leave now, I'm coming' I breathed out in one breath as soon as I picked up the phone
'Brooke, breathe' she laughed and I frowned
'What's wrong?' I asked again
'Nothing, I just wanted to know how much milk she has at 9 o'clock because you forgot to write it for that time' she said with humour in her voice
'God you worried me, 4 ounces at 9' I smiled and breathed out in relief
'Alright thanks, now have fun, bye' she said and hung up
'No emergency, just didn't know how much milk to give her' I cleared up to everyone who was looking at me
'Well I just feel awkward with living with Rosie and Alfie in their new flat, they both say it's fine but it doesn't feel right, it's like I'm intruding' I said to Frank and the rest of his group 'since pro green left dad and took all his money he's been living in his car, Alfie asked Rosie if he could move in but she said no'
'You spend most of your nights at my house anyway and my mum loves you' Frank shrugged and I nodded
'I know, it just feels weird when I am there' I said 'but I'm really happy for them, he's liked Rosie for so long and he deserves to be with her after all this time'
'Did you speak to Sarah this morning?' Frank asked
'Yeah she put the baby on FaceTime, she said she'll FaceTime again around this time' I smiled and like magic, my phone flashed up with an incoming call from her
'We'll be 5 minutes boys' Frank said to the ground as we walked aside and answered with both our faces in the little screen for her to see us
'Hey guys, she's just woken up from being asleep' my cousin said before turning the camera to aurora like earlier
'Hello baby' I cooed and she smiled up at us
'Hey babe' Frank cooed aswell
'We miss you so much, i can't wait to come and get you' I smiled and Frank put a hand on my back
'Are you having fun?' Frank cooed 'are you? I think you are'
Aurora was smiling at us but her eyes were dropping open and shut like they normally did when she was fighting her sleep because she's tired but wants to stay awake.
'Stop fighting it baby' I hummed 'go to sleep, mummy and daddy love you the whole world'
'Sweet dreams baby girl, I love you' Frank smiled as her eyes finally closed and she was asleep, instantly we heard her tiny snores
'Bye you two, see you later' Sarah smiled and we waved before hanging up again
'This is really fucking hard' I said as we began walking back to the group
'I know, you just need to get used to it babe' Frank said and rubbed my back
'Nice hair Fraser' I said as I walked between Rosie and Alfie and Fraser who was on the opposite side of the corridor
'Thanks mini Wickers, oh all of you meet our new deputy head' Fraser quickly stopped me
'Dad? Fraser are you mad?' Alfie questioned in shock as our dad was introduced as the new deputy
'Why?' I asked at the exact same time with the same expression
'Roomies, how about movie night tonight? You me and a chocolate finger?' Dad said and my eyes shot open
'Did you already ask him to move in?' Rosie asked Alfie angrily and quietly
'Um I should get going, bye guys' I said quickly, rushing off down the corridor
I rolled my eyes as I walked into my form. Joe was sat in Stephens seat, Stephen added a chair to his usual table, two new boys were sat in mine and joes chairs and Mitchell was arguing with a new girl.
'Fucking ridiculous' I huffed, shaking my head 'suppose I sit on the floor now yeah? Where's Alfie?'
'It's alright babes, pull up a chair somewhere' Chantelle said and I sat in Alfie's chair at his desk
'You can't just pitch up and dump your shit on my property' Mitchell said to the girl who had her arms crossed as they both were stood up
Alfie walked in, sorting out Mitchell and who I learnt to be called cleo before turning to his desk to see me sat comfortably in his chair.
'That can't be your class seat' Alfie said as he sat on the desk but turned his back so he could face me
'Well where do you propose I sit alf? Twit 1 and twit 2 are in mine and joe's seats so joe's in Stephens and we're already overcrowded with seating' I said motioning to the people as I said their names 'no offence twits'
'Well it won't be allowed' Alfie said as kind of a question
'Who's gonna tell me off? Not the head, that's Fraser and not the deputy head because that's dad' I shrugged
'Fine, point taken, stay there' Alfie sighed and then turned to face the class.

AN: rubbish filler chapter but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer

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