5 - football match

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'Yo what's going down my n word' Fraser shouted as he walked into our dark class, interrupting our Ouija session
'Shh' me and Alfie said at the same time
'Fraser you've ruined it' Alfie stressed at his friend
'What the Harry hill- are you-' Fraser started
'Conducting a seance? Yes. It's called interactive learning' Alfie said as we all took our hands off the board
'Yeah we'll hold your Ouija boards because today is the biggest day in the schools sporting calendar' Fraser said happily with a smile 'it's the big football match against Middleton house'
'Really? Here?' Chantelle asked, pulling down her shirt to show her cleavage making Fraser look at her with disgust
'Yes but you can understand they're a little sensitive after last year' Fraser said '16 of their state of the art MacBook pros went missing'
'Seventeen actually' Mitchell whispered to me and Rem dogg
'Now I've just heard that the pe teacher is going to be unavailable for the game. Slightly gargled message from him saying he'll either be back by 2 or in 2 to 5 years - something about DNA evidence'
'And I fit into this how?' Alfie asked
'I need someone to manage the team. Chance to stand up to those posho bullies tell them you ain't gonna be eating that biscuit anymore' Fraser reasoned
'Not this again' Alfie said and I giggled 'why does everyone think I was bullied at Middleton?'
Mitchell, Stephen and a few other gave a few reasons as to why and Alfie shushed them quickly as I laughed, holding my bump.
'Come on Alf it's in the bag' Fraser pleaded 'we're unbeatable this season, like the invincible Arse gunners'
'You know nothing about football do you?' I asked with a grin
'No' Fraser admitted quickly 'so what do you say?'
'I guess I could' Alfie said 'pack this up'
'Yo, sup team' Alfie said as we all sat at our desks and I had my legs on the table and a hand on my bump 'this sesh is all about you getting to know your new gaffer'
'Why are you calling us team?' Joe asked suspiciously from beside me and I raised an eyebrow
'Because you're my guys and I thought, this match is a perfect oppurtunity for you to get involved in the big game' Alfie said
'Hang on, what happened to the actual football team?' Joe asked
'Nothing' Alfie said unconvincingly
'I can't believe you were ostracised by the entire first team' Joe said and I nodded with a smile
'Ostracised? Ooo my names Joe and I use long words' Alfie mimicked
'Hang about, ain't there a second team?' Mitchell called forward
'Yeah' Alfie said with an awkward face 'look sometimes it good to have a little rejig of the teams, look at... The sugar babes'
'You know jack shit about football' Mitchell stated
'Well Mitchell if you came to my bedroom there would be a certain goonasaurus duvet that would beg to differ' my brother retorted
'Did you just invite me to your bedroom?' Mitchell asked with a funny face and I laughed
'I'll play' Chantelle said finally making Alfie jump up in excitement and walk to the board
'She's had one on ones with some big names' Stephen said
'And some two on ones' she added
'Who?' Alfie asked as he wrote her name in a position
'A lady never breaks a super injunction' she said and Alfie rolled his eyes, rubbing her name off the board
'Jing you in? Bring some of that work ethic. It's not a national sport but there's that fella that plays for United' Alfie said and I rolled my eyes
'The person who you're thinking of is from South Korea Alf' I said and Alfie dismissed it
'Not in a million years' jing stated
'Come on, one of you must want to play' Alfie sighed
'I'm quite good at football' Stephen said and me and Chantelle nodded
'That's very sweet but don't be silly' Alfie replied
'We all know the only reason you want us to play the stupid game is to get back at your old school for bullying you' Mitchell said
'Oh for god- why does everyone assume I would be a victim of bullies?' Alfie asked
'Oi dickwad' Frank growled as he entered the room, making Alfie jump
'Hello Grayson' my brother said in a worried tone
'What's my position?' My boyfriend demanded
'You-you want to play?' My brother asked surprisedly
'Look ill play for this team alright downtown' Frank said 'but only because I wanna hospitalise some toffs. This doesn't mean we're mates and I still think you're a piece'
I stood up and walked a few steps forward until I was next to my boyfriend. I took the drink from his pocket and drank a mouthful before putting it back and pecking his lips. He put an arm around my front so his right hand was resting at the bottom of my bump.
'He means he wants to play for the team but don't be a beg' I said with a grin
'Great' Alfie exclaimed 'but I thought you weren't allowed to play'
'Yeah well I'm back now init, finished serving my ban' he said
'Why were you banned?' Alfie asked
'Off the ball incident' Frank said seriously
'What was it? Two footed tackle' my brother laughed
'Arson' I said seriously which made Alfie's face drop
'Right. Good. See that is the type of passion I'm looking for' Alfie said, tapping franks chest with the pen in his hand making Frank look at it
'I think I found myself a skipper' Alfie said as he wrote Grayson on the board 'so who wants to join the revolution with me and my buddy Frank'
Frank looked at the arm Alfie put around him and then looked back up.
'You call me that again and I'll firebomb your shed' Frank threatened and I breathed out my nose heavily as a warning for him to stop
'Me and my colleague here, mr Grayson' Alfie corrected himself and I shook my head lightly
'We're gonna get dicked on' Rem dogg shouted as Stephen waved his arm in the air
'Oh come on alf, just let Stephen play' I begged as I put my hand on top of Graysons that was on my belly
'Please, I'm desperate. What have I got to do to make you play?' Alfie asked
Mitchell came up with the idea to set Alfie a new voicemail receiver message which made them finally agree to play in the match.
'Fucking knobs' Frank said as we all watched Middleton get out of their bus and begin kicking a football around
'Yeah' Mitchell laughed in agreement
Chantelle was busy eyeing them up and making her boobs look bigger while I was busy tracing the 'unlucky' tattoo behind graysons ear. I was sat on the table next to the window, in my short red shorts and a football shirt with knee high socks on to match the rest of my friends, facing everyone with Frank between my legs but facing out the window to watch them.
'We have to fuck them in this game' Rem dogg said and we all nodded
'It's such a shame you can't play babes' Chantelle said to me
'I know, baby Grayson doesn't like me doing exercise' I grinned and Frank put a hand on my belly without even looking down at me
'Come on guys, watching them isn't going to make you feel any better' I eventually said, getting up off the table and pulling franks hand to drag him from the window
'Look guys' Alfie said as we all slouched around the changing room, Frank was leant against the lockers with his head leaning on them and I had my front on his with my arms around his waist and head on his chest with his arms joint around my shoulders 'it doesn't matter how good they are or how much better they are, when we're out there it's 10 against 10'
'You mean 11' I heard Frank say with a sassy tone that made me smile tiredly
'Come on guys' I shouted from where I was stood with Fraser and his questionable hair
Middleton were dominating us but no one was really that surprised, nonetheless we kept on cheering them on. It was 2 minutes left of the first half and I could see Frank getting angry at some of the boys in the posh uniforms, I knew it was because he was not- I repeat not- a good loser and they were currently 6-0 up. The whistle finally went for the end of the first half and I walked straight over to Frank, handing him a water bottle and wiping the sweat from his forehead with my sleeve as he drank. We followed the others back into the changing room and sat on graysons lap. Everyone was arguing and fighting about not playing good enough but I laid my head on franks shoulder and closed my eyes and he wrapped his arms around me and cleaned his boots with his hands resting on the side of my thigh.
'Aren't you gonna say something deep to get us motivated for the second half?' I heard Joe ask as everyone went silent but didn't open my eyes
'There's a second half?' I heard Alfie ask in response earning a prompt 'oh my days' from Frank
I opened my eyes during Alfie's surprisingly motivating speech and then followed them all out as they ran back to the pitch for the beginning of the second half, only Rem dogg wasn't playing so Stephen was starting with the team for the second half.
As Stephen scored goal after goal the match was cut minutes short after middleton's headteacher fell and was laid in a stretcher of an ambulance in the middle of the field. Rosie's outburst accusing him of raping Alfie led to the real truth of Alfie's Irish dancing past to be revealed which was hilarious to watch again. And a draw was announced which led to a happy uproar from abbey grove and Frank whisked me into the air, bringing me back down laughing and smashing our lips together. A good end to the 'biggest sporting event in the calendar'

My Lover (A Frank Grayson fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang