15 - Fundraiser

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'Please kill me' I said quietly to Alfie as we sat in the car listening to dad and pro green singing
'Only if you'll kill me at the same time' he replied in the same tone
'Oh can we stop at boots, I need to get some clean tights' pro green smirked and pointed at the boots
'Good idea' dad said and tried to find a parking spot 'and while you're there you might want to stock up on some C-O-N-D-O-M-S'
'We can spell' Alfie said in disgust as we both pulled disgusted faces
'You could get me some pills to overdose myself aswell' I said and scrunched my face
'They're so disgusting it's horrible' I whinged to Frank and his group about my dad and pro green
'I'd say come and live at mine but my mums just as bad' Frank said and I nodded
'I can't wait till we can move out together, just the three of us' I smiled and put a hand on my enormous belly
'Me neither, we just need to leave school and get jobs and enough money saved' Frank grinned and rubbed my bump
'That's ages away, I wish it was now' I said and leaned forward so we were hugging
'I know baby' he cooed quietly in my ear
'Why are you all wearing your coats?' Alfie asked as he walked in the form to see everyone with hats, coats, gloves and scarfs on
'Cause your mum turned off the heating' Mitchell said
'She is not our mum' I said with a horrified look on my face as I turned to face Mitchell, pulling my coat closer together to try and bring more warmth
'She banged your dad, she's your mum' Mitchell said
'You must have a lot of dads then' Rem dogg laughed to Mitchell as I laughed aswell
With that, the door was swing open so harshly it could've only been one person.
'Here ya are, don't want you or the baby cold' Frank said as he strolled in and put his coat over my body
'Frank you'll be freezing without your coat, I'm fine' I smiled and tried to hand it back
'Put the coat back on, I'll be fine' he shook his head
'Thanks babe' I smiled as I put the coat back on me and he turned to leave
'Frank' I suddenly called, making him turn to face me just as he was leaving 'I love you'
'I love you too' he replied before slamming the door behind him making everyone wince
'Awwww' Chantelle and Stephen squealed causing me to laugh
'Whys there no heating?' Joe asked
'The schools having financial trouble if you must know' Alfie said from where he was sat on his desk
'Why don't you sell your organs?' Mitchell called out 'I heard the queens hamster needs a new cock'
'Guys please, you do realise if abbey grove gets shut down you'll all get sent to st Edwards' Alfie said
'The only school below us on the league table' jing gasped
'If I go to st Edwards the only theatre I'll end up in is an operating one' Stephen said
'St Edwards isn't that bad babe, dean gaffney went there' Chantelle said
'Dean gaffney? We have to raise some money' jing said with horror on her face
'Fuck' I shouted suddenly in pain and bent forward so my hand was clutching the table
'What's wrong? Are you ok? Is the baby coming?' Alfie blurted as I heard everyone else start to ask if I'm ok
'I'm fine Alf, just give it a minute for the pain to pass' I said in the same position and breathing heavier 'I've been getting them all morning'
'Well what if it's the baby coming? It is nearly halfway through your eighth month and-' jing started
'Jing I love you and I appreciate your wisdom but please stop babbling until this pain has gone' I pleaded as Joe rubbed my back and I had my eyes shut
'Brooke, I think I should get the nurse' Alfie said worriedly
'I said I'm fine so I'm fine, carry on your lesson' I said in the same tone
'Maybe we should call Grayson' Mitchell suggested
'You even think about calling him and kill you, he'll be all worried for no reason' I threatened
'Are you sure you just want me to carry on?' Alfie asked as he walked back to his desk
'For god sake Alfie I said carry on didn't I?' I breathed out at the pain started to go away and I sat up more, thanking Joe
'Ok right so money raising suggestions?' Alfie asked and everyone began calling ideas out but just put my head on the table, resting on franks coat and went to sleep.
'Mr Grayson' I smiled happily as I skipped over to him and his group making them laugh lightly
'Yes Mrs mood swings?' He laughed back
'I need your help' I trailed off with a smile still prominent on my face
'With?' He asked suspiciously
'Welllll' I trailed off again 'I think the baby's ready to come and there's this thing that we do that can actually induce labour'
Andre laughed as he obviously knew what I was talking about but Frank still looked lost.
'It's something that you really really like, and I really like it with you' I said and raised my eyebrows but it didn't click in his brain 'it's how we made the baby'
'Ah ohhh' he said as it finally clicked and then he smirked 'in the case, watch our stuff boys'
I giggled as I took franks hand in mine and pulled him down the corridor to try and find Fraser
'Oh Fraser' I called as I saw him 'can I borrow the key for Alfie's classroom, I left some stuff in there'
'Er yeah, here's the master key' he said as he fumbled in his pockets and then handed me a key, causing me and Frank to smile
'Thanks Fraser, you're the best' I grinned and Fraser smiled happily
'Argh Frank harder' I moaned as he thrusted into me
I was laid on the table that me and Joe normally sat at with Frank on top of me, thrusting in and out.
'Fuck babe' he groaned and I wrapped my legs around him
'Can-can we m-move to the desk?' I panted between moans 'it's bigger'
Frank nodded and removed himself from me, walking over to the desk and pushing Alfie's stuff to one side
'Remind me to wipe your cum off that table before we leave' I said as I laid on the desk, Frank pulling me closer and then slipping himself back into me
'Frank-Frank I'm so close' I struggled out as he gripped my thigh
'God me too' he moaned back
'Oh ah' I moaned as Frank done one final huge thrust into me, I felt him cum as I came around him at the exact same time the door was unlocked and opened
'Oh my god' Alfie said wide eyed in shock as he froze
Frank pulled out and slipped his manhood back into his boxers, zipping up his trousers that had been up the whole time. I pulled my knicker back over my lower region from where they had been pushed to the side and held Frank inbetween my legs as he stood and I sat at the end of the desk.
'Why are you not preparing for biology?' I stuttered in shock and reached over for my leggings, slipping them on with Frank still cover between my legs before standing up
'Why are you having sex on my desk?' He asked back with the same shocked expression 'my desk, really?'
'We-I' I stammered 'I thought you were gonna stay at science for the rest of break'
'I can't believe she's selling everything' I said as I walked next to Frank who was collecting all of professor greens sale items for her
'We need the money' he said
I shrugged and knocked on the office door before Frank opened it with the cardboard box in one arm. He walked in as I stood in the doorway, Alfie and Rosie were sat opposite pro green at her desk.
'Where do you want these pro green?' Frank asked
'Next to the other sale items' she replied and pointed at where the other cardboard boxes were stacked
Alfie was smiling at Frank who just stared at him back but I was too distracted by the multiple pictures of my dad all around the room.
'Come on' Frank said as he took my hand in his and pulled me out of the room
'Did you see all those pictures of my dad?' I asked in horror
'She's not that bad babe' Frank chuckled at me and I rolled my eyes with a small smile
We all stood in our coats in our history class with professor Green in front of us, instructing Frank and Andre to take the things she wanted. I was hugging Chantelle for warmth as Alfie ran it.
'Woah woah woah' he said loudly and ran towards where they were wheeling the tv out 'where do you think you're going with that?'
'Cash converters' Frank snarled back, trying to push the to but Alfie stood in the way
'How am I supposed to teach without a tele?' Alfie asked pro green
'We need to make swinging cuts' she smiled
'Stop saying swinging, it is the most annoying word I've ever heard' he said
'Boys could you take mr Wickers' video library?' She asked sweetly as Frank walked over and took them from the shelf
'You can take our electricity, you can take our tv but you can never take' he stopped as Frank walked past with the DVDs and took the top one 'our braveheart directors cut'
'Everything must go' she said as she took it out of his hands and handed it to Frank who put the pile under the tv before him and Andre wheeled it out with Alfie still holding onto it
'Au revoir les enfants' professor green said to us as she followed the boys out the door
'What a bitch' I sighed
'This fundraisers great' I smiled to Frank as we walked through the bouncy castles and stalls
'It's not bad' he said and I squeezed his hand happily
'I just hope we get enough money' I thought out loud
'The school will be fine, it's been through a lot worse' he shrugged and I nodded
'Ooo look the man sale, let's see what poor person buys Fraser' I laughed and pulled Frank to the front of the crowd that was formed at the stage for the man sale
'Now our next slave for the day is a bit of a catch' Rosie said into the microphone 'it's mr Fraser'
'Hi ladies I'm up for anything' he smiled 'cooking, cleaning, foot rubs'
'Should we start the bidding at £50?' Rosie asked
'Ooo £50 to Mrs welsh' Rosie nodded in the direction of the pretty young teacher
Soon Gladys began bidding and they were caught in a bidding war, I laughed to my form who me and Frank were standing with and held franks hand. Gladys won Fraser and pulled him off the stage as we all laughed hysterically. Rosie then went into a long speech about how amazing Alfie was before he finally stepped up to the microphone.
'I'm going to start the bidding off myself' Rosie spoke emotionally into the microphone '£50 for Alfie'
'60 pounds' Frank called, letting go of my hand momentarily to pound his fist into his palm
'70' Chantelle shouted
'£80' Rosie said
'100' Chantelle retorted
'£200' Rosie called
'Don't worry girls, you can share me' Alfie said nervously with a laugh
'This gentleman would like to make a bid on behalf of his employer' jing said from the back as she stood with a man in a fancy suit
'I'll match it' Rosie said
'I don't think you will miss' jing said in shock as the man whispered something to her 'the bid is for £25,000'
'But that's enough to save the school' Rosie said in shock
The man nodded once
'Going once, going twice, sold to the mystery bidder' Rosie said as happy tears fell from her face and everyone jumped up and down, screaming and shouting in excitement
Frank and Mitchell hugged eachother tightly and then kept their arms around eachother, Frank even put his other arm around Joe as them and me and Rem dogg had a group hug.
All of the usual gang sat around a table as everyone else danced and enjoyed the fair.
'I'm so glad I get to keep seeing your ugly faces everyday' I teased them all as I sat on franks lap
'Me too' Stephen smiled and hugged Chantelle
'Who would spend that much money on my brother though?' I wondered and we all shrugged
'I'm just glad someone did, they really saved the school' Joe said and I nodded
'Babe did you just?' Frank trailed off as I suddenly felt the colour drain from my face
'Oh' I froze and began breathing heavier again as the pain came back stronger 'yes babe, my waters just broke'
'Fuck fuck shit' Frank panicked as Chantelle and Stephen screamed excitedly and I got off of franks lap, everyone else stood up and rushed to my side
'Right erm, let's- fuck- someone get her dad or miss gulliver' Frank said and he sat me down on one of the chairs as I shut my eyes through the pain 'it's ok Baby, it's gonna be alright'
Joe and jing sprinted to find my dad or Rosie as I gritted my teeth and breathed heavy
'Brooke, Brooke I'm coming it's ok' I heard Rosie shout out of breath as she was obviously sprinting towards me 'I've text Alfie because he's not answering his phone, we'll go to the hospital in my car'
'I'm not ready' I cried 'it hurts'
Chantelle and Stephen rubbed my back as I held onto franks legs and leant my head forward to rest against his waist.
'You can, I know you can' Frank cooed as he helped me stand up
'Let's get you to the hospital and have this baby' Rosie said excitedly as we took small steps towards her car
'I can't believe this is it' Alfie said as I laid in the hospital bed drugged up so I was out of pain and everyone was sat on chairs or on the floor
'I know, it's finally gonna be over and we'll have a baby' I smiled, turning to Frank who was sat on the chair next to my bed holding my hand
'I love you' I grinned and winced a bit as I felt a pain approaching
'I love you mo-' he started before I cut him off
'This is it, this is it' I shouted 'I'm pushing'

⭕️2508 words

⭕️two chapters in one day (3rd February 2019)

⭕️hope you enjoyed that cliffhanger....

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