12 - make up

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'I feel sick, don't touch me' I grumped as Frank went to hug me as we stood outside of my form
'Babe' Frank half moaned and put his hands on my hips
'Let go, I wanna go in' I said and looked to the side
'I'm not letting go until you forgive me' Frank said
'Just drop it Frank' I huffed and pulled his arms off of me as I walked quickly through the door and slammed it in his face
'What's up with you two?' Alfie asked as everyone watched me throw my bag down and sit in my seat
'Were you all watching us?' I asked as the entire class nodded
'What's up anyway babes?' Stephen asked from across the room
'It's nothing, can we just have a lesson please Alfie?' I asked, rubbing my temples
'Erm yeah, yeah of course' Alfie said as he gave everyone a look 'it was 1972 and the-'
'Wickers' graysons voice boomed as he opened the door with one hand behind his back
'Y-yes Grayson' my brother stuttered
'Not you dickhead' Frank said and rolled his eyes, turning his head to me 'Brooke, can you come out here?'
'Not now Grayson' I said angrily and then turned to Alfie 'carry on the lesson alf'
Everyone's eyes were flicking between me, Grayson, and Alfie and my brother didn't carry on the lesson as Grayson gritted his teeth and gave him a threatening glare.
'I'm not doing this now Frank, just go' I sighed and glanced at him before turning again
'Brooke just come out here, for one minute' Frank pleaded but still looking rough infront of everyone
'No Frank, you go out there and go to your lesson' I said as tears brimmed my eyes and I gritted my teeth to talk to my brother 'start the lesson Alf'
'Well it-' Alfie began but was cut of angrily by Frank
'Fine, I'll come out for one minute then you go' I said as I stood angrily and followed him out the door, slamming it behind me
All of them were watching us intensely through the glass of the door and the window that led to the corridor next to it
'I'm sorry alright' Frank said as he pulled a big bouquet of roses from behind his back, I could feel the stares of my form burning a whole into my back and I knew Chantelle and Stephen would be awwing
A small smile played on my lips as he handed me the flowers and I clasped them. I looked down at them and then let my gaze wander back up to franks pleading eyes.
'Please Brooke, I'm trying here' he said and I could see he was being genuine 'I love you more than anything, well except our baby'
'I love you more than anything except the baby too' I said quietly and took his hand in my hand that wasn't holding the flowers 'and I hate when we fight'
'Me too, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, you know that' he said
'Come here you big softy' I grinned as I pulled our lips together slowly
'Alright I'm going in, thank you for the flowers' I smiled and pecked his lips as he walked off and I walked into the room
'Tell us everything' Chantelle demanded as soon as I shut the door and everyone stared, waiting for me to start
'There's no need, my hormones are haywire at the minute and he's amazing' I smiled as I held up the flowers to prove it
'He's a prick' rem dogg muttered and Mitchell nodded
'I know, he's that too, but he is amazing with all of this' I said and sat my bouquet in Alfie litre bottle of water
'Well if your happy with that psychopath' Alfie shrugged and went back to talking about atticus hoy

A/N: this is short and rubbish but I wanted to upload as soon as possible. I hope you all had a good Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. See you soon x

My Lover (A Frank Grayson fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя