Chapter 5 - Return

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There was a chair on the stage and Lauren danced on top of it. She knew exactly what to do and her confidence was exciting. Camila enjoyed every second of her presentation and the jacket she left smelled like her, a perfume that made Camila feel like buying it just so that she could keep feeling that amazing smell. Maybe it wasn't just about the smell, but about how it was presented to her, the memories envolved.
When her performance was over, people clapped hands and Camila took a deep breath as she realized she wanted to see more. Acting on an instinct, she went close to Normani.
- I need to return this jacket. - She informed.
- Ok, I can give it to her later on. - The brunette answered as she took another sip of her drink.
- I don't trust your memory, Mani. Where can I find her?
- Right now in her dressing room and since you don't have permission to go there you're gonna have to trust my memory. - She let out as she tried to reach the jacket with her hand. Camila moved her arm, stopping Normani from taking it.
- Well, I don't. So tell me how I get this permission. - She sounded like the spoiled kid she actually was.
- Come on, Mani. - Dinah let out. - MKe it easy for Mila, it's clear she wants to say hi to Lauren. - She laughed and the girls made a sound of realization.
- I just don't want to steal any body's clothes. - She lied and the girls just pretended to believe.
- Fine. I'll walk you there. - Normani finally agreed and started walking, being followed by her Latin friend that carried the black jacket.
Camila didn't really pay attention to where she was walking through, she was only interested in the final destination. Passing through security, Normani signalized that Camila was with her and so they had no problems.
- This is her dressing room. - Normani informed and knocked on the door.
- Who's that? - Lauren asked from inside.
- It's Normani.
- Oh! - The dancer let out and the next thing they heard was a sound of door opening. - Hey! - Lauren let out when she put her eyes on the girls.
- She wants to return you the jacket. - Normani was quick to speak.
- Ok. - Jauregui said with a soft smile on her face. - Do you want to come in? - She invited.
- Yes, she does. - Normani was faster again. - And I have to be at, I'm not working today. See you later. - Giving no chances to an answer, Normani walked away and Camila walked in Lauren's dressing room.

Oh My God! (CAMREN)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu