Chapter 2 - Out

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- I can't believe they're already here... - Camila whispered to herself as she ran to open the door for the girls.
- Camila, I thought you said that you were ready. - Dinah let out as soon as she put her eyes on her friend.
- I am ready! - The latin girl spoke firmly as the girls entered her house.
- No, you're not. - Dinah said as she walked towards Camila's room. - You're not going out with me like this...
- Hi girls... - Camila let out right after deep breathing due to Dinah's behavior.
- Hi Camila. - Ally greeted her and gave her a hug.
- Hey girl! - Normani spoke and held the younger girl tight.
- Dinah sucks. - Camila let out in a playful tone.
- I heard that! - The Polynesian girl shouted from Camila's room. - You suck! A long dress covering the legs and showing no curves... Looking like a damn married woman!
- I basically am. - Camila said in response.
- You haven't walked down the aisle yet! - Camila rolled her eyes. - And get your ass here so that I can fix you.
Camila laughed with a slight disappointed face, but did what her friend asked her to.
- Ok... You'll put this skirt on...
- Dinah, I was 16 when I used to wear that!
- Well, it's not like you've put on any pound. - The girls laughed at Dinah's words, including Camila, who truly appreciated her friend's good mood. - Besides, you had more style back then.
- What an insult! - The Cuban girl let out as she placed her right hand on her chest and pretended to be offended. - In my own house! - Camila let out playfully. - Girls, defend me, please! - She pleaded amongst laughter.
- Sorry Mila... - Normani let out as she made it clear she was on Dinah's side. - I saw back then, so... - She moved her head into Dinah's direction and the Polynesian girl smiled for having support.
- Ally! - All eyes were directed to the shortest girl in the group and it was easy to see that she felt a little pressured, and didn't want to get herself too involved in the subject.
- You know that I really like you, right? - There was an apologetic tone in her voice.
- Ok, I got it! - Cabello said as she giggled and gradually blushed. - This is getting awkward...
- Don't worry. I'm here to drag you out of this hole.
Despite Dinah's rude way with words, Camila knew she was just trying to help her. Besides, the things that girl had done for Camila were unique, she was a friend like nobody else. On rough times, the playful girl was always there.
The most outgoing of the girls made some changes on her friend's makeup, making it more sensual and replaced Camila's long dress by a small silver skirt and a cute tank top that represented the 16 years old version of Camila.
- I look like a teenager. - The youngest one let out as she started at herself in the big mirror she had in her room.
- I know... I did a great job.
- So full of herself... - Normani pointed out as she laughed at Dinah's proud way.
- Don't forget your ID card, I don't want anybody stopping us from getting in because they think I'm bringing a minor with me.
- What kind of place are you taking me to, Dinah?
- Don't you play the innocent... - She let out as she left the room amongst laughter.
There was some nervousness inside of Camila's chest, for that was the first time she did that, but there was also some excitement for doing something new. She just couldn't tell which one was stronger.
On the way to the place Dinah had decided to take Camila to have some fun, her friend kept on wondering what that night kept for her. Looking through the car's window, Cabello's eyes wandered as she stared at the city lights and for a moment wondered what secrets were kept inside those buildings, behind those walls. Maybe Camila's thoughts at that moment were just a projection of Camila's heart, which could be full of repressed curiosity. But it was too soon for her to find that out.

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