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⚠️TW abuse ahead⚠️

Elle's POV

"Go wait in your room you worthless whore, I'll be up in five minutes and you'll receive  your punishment" my father snarls as he slaps me. I let out a cry at the pain I feel on my cheek and recoil  slightly. "Please, I just wanted some water" I beg him , but I already know it's no use, my father doesn't show mercy, not even to his only daughter.

Sure he used to show remorse after hitting me when I was younger, telling me had I behaved it wouldn't have happened but that he was sorry, but as I got older the "sorry" and apologetic look in his eyes, vanished, but the hitting never went away.

"Shut up" he responds, growing angrier. "Yes sir" I whimper, climbing the stairs to my bedroom, I had learnt a long time ago it was better to just obey my father than argue, unless I wanted to end up dead.

I close the door behind me and scamper over to the window in my tiny bedroom, I pull it open and feel the cool night breeze on my skin. Tonight's the night I leave, and never come back.

My fathers been abusing me since I was four years old. My mom left us when I was only two for reasons I might never know, but now I'm nineteen years old, and not one of those nineteen years have I enjoyed, curtesy of my abusive addict of a dad.

Some people might say it'd be much smarter to attempt my escape well my father was sleeping, but my fear is in overdrive at the thought that my awaiting punishment may just be the one to kill me.

So without another thought, I jump. I hear a crack and look down, no pain, I didn't break anything. It was just a twig, but now I'm covered in mud. The fall wasn't very high since our house is a cheap bungalow. I gaze up and see my father open my bedroom  door, and when he sees the open window, and empty room the realization dawns on him and he bolts downstairs, going to get me.

I start to run, hearing my father close behind, I continue to sprint, even though I feel like I'm going to pass out. I finally I hear my fathers footsteps come to a halt. I keep running for a few more minutes, then take a break, feeling my laboured breathing. I'm in the middle of a forest with no plan, no money, and most importantly nobody.

Absolutely no friends to call since my father did a great job at keeping me isolated from the outside world.

I have to get further away so with some breaks and a mixture of running and walking I make it about an hour away, and as I make my way out of the forest I stop right in front of a giant mansion that looks like something out of a fairytale.

I have to get further away so with some breaks and a mixture of running and walking I make it about an hour away, and as I make my way out of the forest I stop right in front of a giant mansion that looks like something out of a fairytale

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It's surrounded by guards, whom all seem to be carrying  big scary guns, that part does not remind of a fairytale at all.

I go to the gate, peering in at the mansion. I hear someone cock their gun at me. I slowly turn around, as my eyes take in stands five guards pointing their loaded guns at me. "Looks like we have a little intruder" one of them laughs with an evil glint in his eyes. Another one grabs me roughly by the arm, dragging me past the gates and inside. I scream and kick, but to my dismay I can't get out of his hold.

They bring me down into a creepy basement, most likely some sort of fucked up torture chamber, stained with blood, and I can hear screams from down the many hallways. I'm tied up, and bleeding from the chains cutting into my wrist. "I'm going to go get the boss, and let him kill her" one of the guards says. Kill? Boss?

What kind of situation had I managed to get myself into? Freedom was right at my fingertips, and it's almost comedic that I was dragged away from it and thrown into a death basement.

Death has always been something I thought I would experience sooner then most people. I thought one day my fathers beatings would get to harsh and my heart would give out, but I never excepted to die in the hands on some unknown torture basement.

Tears roll down my face and I have one final thought which is 'this is it for me' but maybe it's always been my destiny. Happiness just wasn't something that was intended to happen to me. Pain is what I've always felt, and it will probably be the last thing I feel.

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