Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to To Everyone who read Unconditional Love

Christine's POV  

I fell into a restless sleep hours later after my encounter with Raoul. I dreamt over and over I was laughing in a rose garden, Erik by my side, only to turn around to find Erik's head on my lap, a dagger through his neck. Raoul was laughing malciously. I screamed and woke up after that.

Raoul came in sometime during the night and fell asleep beside me. I looked at him with disgust and laid down on the floor. It were miserable, especially when I was constantly thinking about how my baby would never see the light of day, or that Erik would never see me again or I him. I would have gladly gone through the nine months and more, if only I could have held and loved my precious baby. And, oh Erik! How I wished I was in his arms as I sobbed myself to sleep a little before sunrise.


Erik and Nadir had stayed up all night planning an escape for Christine. They had checked out the house Nadir suggested, and found that a women's wardrobe was just happening to be recieved there. If that wasn't proof enough, when Erik was hiding in the shadows, he heard servants gossiping about how a unconsicous girl was carried in, and no one had seen her since her arrivial last night.

It took Erik all his strength not to run in there to get her back. But he would be of no use if he was dead before he rescued her, he reasoned, and held back.

They, that is Nadir and Erik, had decided that Erik would be the one to climb through the window that they were 90% positive was the one where she was being held. It was the only one that the curtains were drawn. 

Erik scoffed, "Hmmph! He has never kidnapped someone before. Hiding out in the open, no proper defenses, at the very least he could have gotten some guard dogs! I, on the other hand...."

Nadir glared and rolled his eyes at him. "Well, if he had that, we wouldn't have been able to come up with a plan as soon as we did, now would we? I still don't understand why on earth possessed you to kidnap a teenager, also I can't comprehend why she married and is going to have a baby with a man who is 10+ years her senior..."

"Daroga, you are testing your luck. I am only 9 years her senior! With your insolence, you should be thankful that I haven't given you a rope burn or worse yet!" Erik growled, rubbing his Punjab for effect. Nadir rolled his eyes again, but let it be.

"Uh huh. My mistake, Mr. Nine Years Her Senior. Like you would hurt a hair on my head. So, ready or not?"

"So be it." He answered. 

"Uhh, yes or no?" Nadir asked, trying to hide his grin.

"Yes, you.... fool!" He growled again. "Stop teasing immedietely!"

"Okay, okay. As my diva commands." He bowed. Erik chose that moment to "accidently" trip Nadir, sending Nadir on the grass. Erik grinned and held his hand out to him,

"Stop dawdleing and let us do this thing!"


Like it? I wanted to give some light-hearted humor after the sad chapter last time. I absolutely love Nadir's character, and I think he adds something to the plot. Who else, besides Christine, of course, would be able to poke fun at Erik without a lasso at his/her neck? Please tell me what you think of it! 


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