Chapter 17

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They(that is, Christine, Erik, and Nadir), went to Nadir's house. After about a month in the small house, Erik decided "it was high time we left." So Christine and Erik left for a trip to France.

On the airplane         

They had been on the airplane for 4 hours, when Christine raised her hand for a paper bag and proceeded to throw up her lunch. Erik sat next her worriedly, and gave her a piece of mint gum after she was done.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just motion sickness. I'll be fine once we land." Christine answered, suddenly tired. She fell asleep for the rest of the flight.


While they unpacked, she decided to ask a question that had been bothering her. Deep breath, deep breath.     


"Hmm?" He moved away from her, and hung some shirts up.

"Erik, did you plan the car accident?" She blurted. Erik whirled around with a look of suprise.

"Of course not."

"Why did you decide to help me? Most people would just call 911 and leave after everything was done."

"Well, I...I actually was going to..." Should I tell her? 


"Christine, I...I was going to kill myself." He sat on the bed, head in his hands."The day before was supposed to be my wedding day. The girl I was going to marry, Selene, came to the wedding only to tell me she couldn't marry me. That I was too...too ugly for her or anyone to live their life with. I was headed to my death, and you saved me."      

Christine sank beside him."She told you that? I am so, so sorry, Erik. What a cruel person."

"After I met you, taught you, I got over it. I finally had something to live for!" He laughed softly. "Now I have the best life in the world. I'm here beside you."

"Erik, I had no idea. You never hinted about..." Erik swooped down and kissed her softly. 

"Let's not talk about it. I'm over it, truly. It's in the past. I'm looking forward to the future with you. Strangely enough, I could never imagine growing old with Selene. I never imagined her and I being grandparents, even parents, sitting on a porch surrounded with grandchildren. I can with you, and only you." He kissed her again. "Do you want to go to that restuarant you booked us in?"

"If you want to."

"Okay, give me a minute. Should we change to more formal?"

"Yeah, I think so. Oh, I also need to stop by a store or market and pick up a couple things." Christine replied, and grabbing an outfit, headed to the bathroom door.

She then let the flood of tears rain down. She cried softly for a moment, then wiped them off and got dressed. She took tried to arrange her hair for a while, but finally settled on a up-do, and then applied some lip gloss. She had given up the make-up routine a while ago, as it tended to make her face seem cakey and oily.

She walked out and Erik sucked in his breath. Christine was wearing a knee length creme dress with a black sash, and pinned her hair into a textured bun. Erik walked over to her and whispered in her ear,

"You look beautiful, Christine. Absolutely beautiful."

"Erik!" She swatted at him, "You're supposed to be dressing!" She smiled at him, silently thanking him for the complement. She gave him a peck on the cheek.

"As you wish." He replied, turning back only to run his fingers through her hair, when Christine reprimanded him.

"Don't even try to. I don't want to delay us anymore than we already are. Now hurry up. I'm hungry." Her stomach than growled. They both laughed, and a couple minutes later made their way out the restaurant.


Well... What do you think? Sorry, its been a while since I've wrote, so I'm a bit rusty. I really like that extra tidbit about Erik's background. I was writing it out, and boom! That thought flashed through my mind, and I just had to write it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment and vote! 


P.S. "As you wish" is from the movie The Princess Bride, if you didn't already know. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. My brothers will watch it with me sometimes, even though it is a romance! 

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