Chapter 18

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"You'd better hurry, Christine. It's going to close in 15 minutes." Erik called from the car. Christine nodded  and rushed over to get the items. Some sunscreen, sunglasses, hair-ties, and...

"Pregnancy tests." She whispered, and grabbed one before purchasing everything. Christine made her way back to the car just in time for the store to close. She breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

"What did you get?" Erik asked, curious to see what was so urgent that she had to get it that night.

"Oh, some sunglasses, sunscreen, and hair-ties. We don't want to get sunburned!" She replied, smiling. She'd wait to tell him about the test later, if there were results.

"Well, okay, let's get back to the hotel." Erik said, backing out of the parking lot.


Christine woke up early, she suspected from her nervousness. She made her way to the bathroom and did the test. She screamed.

Erik woke up when he heard Christine scream. He rose quickly and ran to the bathroom.

"Christine? Christine are you okay?!" She opened the door and whispered,

"Erik, remember that the doctor had said during that appointment that I may start feeling nasuea later in the first trimester?"

"Yes..." Where was she getting at...?

"I'm still pregnant! Raoul didn't hurt the baby!" She then broke down and sobbed. Erik pulled her into his arms. He then started crying.

"What? How do you know?" 

"I know. Remember I was sick on the plane? I wasn't motion sick, I'm going to have the baby! I also bought a pregnancy test and it turned postitive."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Erik said, looking hurt.

"Because I was afraid I might be wrong. I'm sorry, Erik. It was your baby too. Will you please forgive me?" She looked up tearfully.

"Of course." They kissed.

"Want to go back to sleep now? It is three in the morning." Erik said, laughing. Christine started laughing too.

"Yeah, although I probably can't get back to sleep. I'm too excited!"

"Well, then, why don't we take a moonlit walk?" He asked, gazing loveingly at her.

"That sounds wonderful. It'll give us a chance to talk." She replied, and getting on her tiptoes, kissed him. He kissed back gently.


Kind of short and rushed, but I wanted to make up for all of those weeks that I didn't post. 

What did you guys(gals) think of it? Did you like the way the baby was announced? I know you guys didn't appreciate thinking that the baby was gone, so I hope this made you happy! Please read, follow, comment and like! 


Unconditional Love || A Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ