5 • Bratty Baby

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Let's just say that Luke didn't have the sweetest of dreams, in fact, he couldn't think of anything worse. His dream was him reliving the breakup, the ambush of press and fans, the heartache. He woke up, crying and wet. Fair enough, he decided to play along with all of this, but he would've never taken it that seriously.
Calum must've felt the tremors from the younger man, as he instinctively wrapped his arms round Luke's thin frame. "Baby, what's wrong? Shhhh" He consoled the crying boy, alerting both Ash & Michael.
Luke buries his head into Calum's chest, trying to escape the thoughts of his nightmare, the wetness between his legs didn't help either.
He sucked heavily on his dummy, trying to comfort himself as he held tightly onto Calum's jumper, soaking it with tears. Ash looked as concerned as the other did.
"P-p-papa, I-I had a bad dream" Luke choked out, sobbing deeply.
"My poor baby. It's okay, it was just a dream, papa is here now" Calum protectively rocked the taller man, holding him close. Luke clutched at his crotch slightly, trying to move the wetness away from his skin, this was one thing that he couldn't fake.
"Does a certain little boy need changing?" Mikey asked, placing his hand on the top of the boy's pyjama trousers.
Luke shook his head and pointed to Ash, making them all laugh.
"Daddy doesn't need changing. Maybe we should check Lukey?" Mikey said, keeping his hand in the same place. Luke shook his head "check Papa, not me."
Mikey pretended to check Calum, by slightly placing a finger round the top of his jeans
"Papa is clean... that leaves Lukey" he concluded as he pulled back the waistband of Luke's nappy
"Seems a bit soggy, little one. Shall Dada get you out of that, yeah?" He lifted Luke out of Calum's hold, laying him down on the floor & pulling down Luke's trousers.
It wasn't until Luke was left in a nappy and top, he realised how wet he actually was. Mikey soon got the change over and done with
"Well done, you were so good!" Ash exclaimed. Luke remained with his dummy in his mouth, he was really craving attention & there was only a few ways to get it. Michael tried slipping his legs back into his pyjamas, but Luke refused. He knew that they thought he looked cuter that way, they made him feel cuter that way, despite how gut-wrenchingly embarrassing it was for him.
"Jus' nappy" He blushed.

"I think it's dinner time! Spaghetti & Meatballs?" Ash suggested, standing up from the couch. Luke kicked his legs slightly in annoyance "no, not hungry" he pouted, damn, it was fun to act like a brat.

"nuh uh Lu, you need some food" Calum warned, watching the half-naked man on the floor. Luke whined, kicking his legs, he liked throwing tantrums "not hungry papa!"

Cal looked at Ash "no more tantrums, baby. Otherwise you'll have a timeout" he threatened, crouching to the floor. Luke didn't think of the punishments, he just loved the attention he was getting from having tantrums, he whimpered, allowing tears to fall down his face as he clutched his teddy bear "papa, no food"

Calum scooped up the squirming boy, placing him on his lap at the dinner table. Luke cried and wriggled under Calum's hold as Ashton prepared dinner in the kitchen. "C'mon little one, calm down." for Cal, it was easy to keep calm in these situations, but if it was Mikey, he would've given in by now, he's a softie for Luke. Eventually, Luke gave in and relaxed on the kiwi's lap, he still whined.  Mikey fastened a bib round Luke's neck, causing Luke to complain.

"Hey, if you eat some dinner, then we can go and play with your new toys. If you're going to be a bad boy, Daddy is going to have to put you in the corner"Cal negotiated, he had figured out that Luke feared Ashton slightly, so it was a good way for him to sort his act out.

Luke tensed "no!!! I be good!" Luke ensured, talking through his dummy. Cal pulled the dummy out of Luke's mouth and placed it in his pocket, causing the blonde to pout and cross his arms. Ash & Mikey soon walked in holding plates of food, one on a plastic plate. Calum tried feeding Luke, but Luke covered his mouth. Ashton looked up from his plate "Do I have to go put you in time out, mister? Listen to your papa"

Luke opened his mouth, allowing Cal to spoon-feed him, he scowled, keeping his arms crossed. Calum chuckled lightly, scooping more food into Luke's mouth.

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