Chapter 9

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Enya nodded at me and Jennie as we climbed up onto our chariots and steadied ourselves against the horses' movement. I looked down at my body, dressed in emerald satin and covered in the most intricate pattern of raised, intertwining branches; almost indistinguishable from each other at the bottom of my dress trousers, slowly unwinding towards to top, to create an ombre effect. Atop my shoulders, flooding down my back was a stiff cape, littered with green, brown and yellow leaves, designed to break away when we took off and stream behind us like confetti. Jennie had the same branch design but on an elegant, mermaid style dress that shimmered whenever she moved. The leaves for her were in her hair, perfectly complementing the fiery red tones. We both wore crowns of branches and thorns that were eerily skeleton like and still equally regal. I was impressed, Enya really did know what she was doing.

Bringing me out of my trance came the announcement,

"Please give a warm Capitol welcome to the tributes of the 54th Hunger Games!"

The tributes from 1 took off and soon after 2, 3 and 4. When our time came, Jennie looked at me, squeezing my arm with a brave, yet terrified smile before our horses took off, pulling us into the view of those who we had been taught to hate our whole lives. Now, we were being taught to charm. 

As I attempted to smile up at the mass of bright colours around me, I felt my cape pull and out of the corner of my eye, saw Jennie's plait unwind as leaves detached themselves from us and swirled around us in a tornado before floating gracefully into the audience. I heard screams of delight from the Capitol onlookers as they jumped to catch them, another example, I thought, of my life being little more than a game to them.

Our chariot reached the front of the stadium, directly under President Frost's podium and, after the last district had arrived (covered in coal dust, coughing their lungs up), Frost stood up and tapped the microphone.

"Tributes. Welcome." The crowd roared for the man that had caused so much pain, so much death.

"We salute you, your courage and we wish you a happy Hunger Games!"

I couldn't listen to this bullshit. Instead I looked out among the other chariots, searching for Phil.  He and Lana were decked head to toe in chainmail, spikes adorning their shoulders and, well, not the most tastefully, Lana's breasts. Choices, I guess. He, too, seemed bored and started to look around the stadium, his eyes finally landing on me, winking as they found mine.

"Nice branches" he mouthed, smirking a little. I rolled my eyes and discreetly gave him the finger, his pretend offence at the gesture making me laugh a little too loud. President Frost caught this and looked down, making eye contact with me in between words. His grey eyes narrowed, his jaw tensing as if he were about to say something about my interruption before suddenly continuing with his speech.

"And may the odds be ever in your favour" His eyes met mine again and he smiled, coldly. This was far more terrifying than his anger, this was calculated. I decided to smile back and held his eye contact until he broke away. Like magic, our horses all turned and brought us back, in reverse order. This time, I couldn't hear the screams of the Capitol. The fear of what was to come had settled and it was all encompassed in that man. Frost.


"You were fantastic." Enya smiled as she pulled me, then Jennie into a quick hug before walking briskly towards towards the yellow haired stylist from District 4. Millicent's eyes followed. She continued to surprise me.

"Right, well," Millicent snapped out of her trance and grabbed each of our shoulders, "Let's get you stars to bed, big day tomorrow! First your sessions with the game makers and then your interviews!" She squealed with excitement at the thought of bringing two new victims to fame. I've seen those interviews before. Excitement was the last emotion I felt. As we began to walk back towards the tribute tower, I felt a tug on my cape and span around.

"Hey, where are you going?" Phil asked me, a playful grin on his face.

"Uh, to bed?" I answered, trying as hard as I could not to stumble through the words and embarrass myself in front of him.

"I thought we could get to know each other a little better before I murder you in a couple days" he suggested, incredulously.

My jaw dropped

"Dude, calm, I'm joking" He laughs and his eyes seem to smile too. "But the first part still sounds good, yeah? I'll meet you on the balcony again, say 11?"

"You better change" I blurt out as he turns to leave, "I don't trust you with those spikes"

He laughs again and winks.

"Who said these are spikes? Maybe I'm just happy to see you"

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