Chapter 5

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As the train slowed to a halt, citizens of the Capitol pressed their faces into the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of the newest tributes. I tried to keep a smile on my face because I knew it would get me sponsors if I looked friendly and approachable. However it became more and more forced as we walked further into the capitols centre. We eventually arrived in front of a 13 story skyscraper, glistening in the midday sun. I had to squint to see the top of it.
The glass doors opened before us and we walked into what seemed like a lobby. We were ushered into a gleaming gold elevator with 12 buttons each numbered accordingly and another one with the letter G. I assumed that meant ground unless there was a games arcade. To be honest I didn't think there would be. There was another button labelled "ROOF" and you didn't have to be a genius to figure that one out. It had a padlock symbol on and I guessed you needed some sort of security card to get up there. Millicent pressed number 7 and the glass doors of the lift shut as we zoomed to the top of the building.
When we reached the top, the doors opened again and I stepped out onto a marble floor. The room was jaw dropping. Leather sofas, cashmere carpets, silvery blue walls that seemed to sparkle under the diamond chandilers. I could hear Jennie gasp behind me. Millicent's heels were the loudest thing in the room as we walked towards the sofas.

"As you may have guessed, these are the tributes living quarters. This is your floor no one else is allowed up here. There are two bedrooms to the right over there and to the left, a dining room. Every floor gets its in private feature: yOu get special passes to the roof!" said Millicent with a sense of pride in her high pitched, frilly voice, "Tomorrow will be your first day of training with the other tributes. You will meet them for the first time then. You will then have classes with me on class and etiquette and your final day before the games will be your assessments and the parade around the centre of the Capitol, does that sound alright?" Neither of us answered. I guessed we were both too busy staring at the room around us. " Lovely" Millicent said "You may go to your rooms"
I walked into my room and ignored silk throws and beautiful view. I waited until everyone had gone into their rooms until I snuck out to the elevator and pressed the pass around my neck to the sensor next to the little "ROOF" button. It zoomed up again and came to a halt at the top of the building. It was only 4 o'clock but the stars were already beginning to shine as the sunset appeared.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a low voice behind me declared. I spun around in shock. I hadn't realised anyone was here. A tall, dark haired boy stood there, perfectly framed by the oranges of the sunset behind him. He had a grin on his thin face and his eyes smiled too.
"At least we get some sort of beauty before we're brutally murdered in an arena" He said, looking me up and down.

"Uh yeah it's lovely" I said, "How did you get up here ? You need a security pass, don't you?"

"I stole one from my mentor. I didn't think it was fair that only the tributes from seven got the roof. I suppose we have a pool but I'm not really in the mood for swimming"

The dark haired boy came and stood closer to me. I could feel his breath in my neck.
"I should probably go before my mentor realises I've gone and thinks I've drowned myself in the bath or something, to get out of the games. Until tomorrow"
I watched him get into the lift.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" I shouted after him, but it was too late, the lift had already gone back down to whatever floor he lived on. I stepped back into the lift, passed the button and walked into my room. I couldn't get him out of my head. If only we weren't about to kill eachother, we might have had something.

The Hunger Games - PhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora