Chapter 10

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Philip was already there when the lift doors opened and I stepped out into the cool night air. But something was different. There was no air of cockiness about him, no mysterious glint in his dark eyes; he seemed tired, almost angry. He didn't turn to see me as I'd expected so I walked over to him, nervous as I took in his pale, slender hands tightly clenched around the railing. I touched his leather clad arm as gently as I could and tried to lighten the atmosphere,

"Good evening, sir"

He scoffed, but didn't pull away.

"Oh a fine evening, sure. Positively lovely". He finally turned to face me with a smirk on his face, although not his usual cheeky smirk, this was colder.

"Are.. are you okay?" I asked, nervously.

"I'm fine. It's whatever. Don't bother yourself" He replied in a monotone.

"Are you sure? You can talk to me, I'm good at listening, honestly!".

I tried to sound cheerful but I was so nervous, it was probably obvious. This didn't seem like the same boy I'd exchanged euphemisms with just hours earlier.

"I said I'm FINE!" Phil yelled, snatching his arm away from my hand and thrusting his hands into his leather pockets. "I don't need a fucking therapist, okay?"

I was taken aback. He had invited me here so why was he so angry with me? Had I imagined everything that had happened in the last couple of days? Back home in 7, I was always avoiding confrontation. I preferred to keep my emotions to myself, no matter how hurt I might have been. But something had changed. The ever closer threat of nearly certain death had clearly flipped something inside of me and I refused to be treated like I always had been, like nothing.

"You know what? Fine. You invited me here, you went out of your way to talk to me, you smiled at me across the training gym and winked at me during the Opening Ceremony but if you suddenly want to pretend like I'm nothing, that's fine. I guess it makes no difference if we're all going to be dead in days anyway. Have a lovely night, see you in the arena" I snapped, turning and stalking back towards the lift feeling a mixture of both anger and pride at my ability to finally stand up for myself.

As I reached the lift I heard a loud sigh and then,

"No, wait"

I stopped, not allowing myself to turn around.

"I'm sorry. Stay"

A small smile crept across my face before I could stop it. He did want me here, I hadn't imagined the way he had been acting towards me after all.

I wiped the smile off my face and replaced it with what I hoped was a dignified look before turning and walking back towards Philip, who was now sat on the floor, back to the railing with his hands around his legs. 

"Why do you look constipated?" He asked with both concern and amusement.

"I'm not!" I hastily replied, my cheeks warming in embarrassment "I was going for solemn, I guess?" Clearly I was nowhere near this boy's league in terms of mystery. But his previously dull eyes crinkled and a sparkle appeared in them as he laughed and I couldn't help but joining in.

He patted the ground next to him. "I didn't mean to yell at you, I genuinely am sorry. I guess it's just finally caught up to me." He sighed as I sat down beside him, crossing my legs but being careful not to let our legs touch.

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