Chapter 3

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The picture at the side/top is Dan saying I swore I wasn't going to cry because he's trying not to cry here and yknow he makes me emotional and I'm gonna cry and I want to eat his face ok bye

As soon as the huge oak doors had shut behind us, we were led into two small, separate rooms where we would wait for any visitors before our train journey to the Capitol. I knew my family would come but I couldn't cry in front of them. Because if I did, who knows when I'd stop? No. I had to stay calm. I didn't think anyone else would visit me though. The doors were flung open and, led by two peacekeepers in there white uniform and helmets, my family ran in, cutting my thoughts off abruptly. My mother threw herself at me and hugged me so tight it was like she was trying to squeeze the life out of me. My dad and brother stayed back but when my mother had finished her boa constrictor impression, they gave me a quick embrace too.
"Son..." my father choked.
He could barely get out a word but I understood.
"It's ok Dad" I said, in what I hoped was a reassuring manner. Damian moved towards me and crouched down to my level. He was about as tall as, well I'd never seen anyone taller than Damian.
"As soon as you get there, fight. Fight harder than you've ever fought before. They want to see you suffer. Forget them and forget us. I know you can do it" he said clenching his fists. Somehow I knew he wasn't just talking about the arena. He was also talking about the Capitol and what I'd have to go through there.
Before I could say anything in response, a peacekeeper opened the doors and took my family away. They went with him reluctantly but they knew it will be worse for all of us if they resist. My mother mouthed "I love you" , wiping away tears while my father nodded silently.

A minute or so later, the doors opened again, surprising me. I only really expected my family. But walking in confidently, shrugging off the peacekeepers was Violet. She ran to me and pulled me into a bear hug and this time I knew it was friendly. Because she knew that now was not the time for confusion and unwise actions. She took me by the shoulders and said "You can beat them Bear. Show them they can't always get what they want. Show them you're not just another piece in their games"
The statement shocked me but I get it. And I knew I didn't want to be another piece. I didn't want to let them control me. So as the peacekeepers came in to let us know our time was up, I smiled at her and told her I wouldn't. She breezed past the peacekeeper at the door and I couldn't help admiring her bravery.


It was our turn to be led out of the doors now and I went without protest as Jennie and I were pushed into a cart that would take us to the train that would, eventually, take us to the Capitol.
She had been crying but how could I judge her for that? Her eyes were bloodshot and red but she looked determined as she stepped into the cart and I followed.
The journey to the train station was silent. We passed citizens of District 7 as we drove past and I looked straight ahead. I noticed that the driver wasn't dressed as all the Capitol people were, neither was he dressed like a peacekeeper. But he was definitely better dressed than any citizen of the districts. He was silent as he focused on his job and I realised, he was an Avox. I'd never seen one before. Damian once told me that they are people from the districts who had committed a crime and, as a punishment, had their tongue cut out and made to work for the Capitol. He couldn't be much older than Damian although he looked much wiser and sadder. I realised I was staring at the poor man and looked away.
The cart slowed down and the Avox got out, opening the door for me and Jennie. We were standing at a platform, waiting for the train it looked like.
A commotion from down the corridor made us look up at Millicent Throw and Hogarth James, arguing as they walked. Hogarth looked like he hadn't slept for weeks. He probably hadn't. His unkept hair was messy, he appeared pale and almost hollowed out. His cheekbones were extremely noticeable under the thick layer of grime and dust but his clothes looked expensive and new. The pros and cons of the drug business, I guessed.

"Tributes!" Millicent shouted excitedly as they came closer. "Now what are your names it Jennie and...Samuel?" I went to correct her but was cut off by the sound of a train running down a track. It was surprisingly quiet for a train but I guessed the Capitol could afford that.

As the train reached the platform, the doors opened smoothly.
"After you" said Hogarth with a mock bow.
And I stepped on.

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