Jok Em

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A/N: This has no relation timeline wise to the other one shots. This is not in any of my stories and is unique to this book. ;D

Clarke was sitting on the couch in Lexa's room attempting to relax after the meeting. Lexa had told her to meet her here and a guard had allowed her to enter the room. She held her head in her hands, the meeting she had just left heavy on her mind.

The thought of peace seemed to become smaller and smaller each time she entered a meeting room. It was as if all these people knew was war, except Lexa of course. She was different, she had a type of vision that no other grounder had. Perhaps that's why she was chosen as Heda.

The legendary Wanheda being present at the meeting room seemed to bring with her an air of death and violence, as the name suggested. She wondered if her people would ever experience an era of peace among the grounders.

She stood from her stooped over position on the couch and walked towards the balcony. Looking over the edge she looked down on the city of Polis. All of the people looked absolutely tiny from her position in the mighty tower. Even from here she could sense the peace in the city. People selling goods on every corner and children playing in the streets.

Clarke suddenly remembered this was all because of Lexa, this was her city and her people. She allowed them this peace. Even if only for a second, Clarke's faith in an era of peace was restored. Maybe her people could even come to Polis one day and live peacefully among the people of Polis. They could learn their culture and truly obtain peace between their people.

She let out a soft sigh allowing herself to truly believe the words in her head. She quickly gripped the railing of the balcony tightly as if to keep the calming thoughts from slipping away. Her efforts didn't do anything to keep the reality of today's meeting from settling over her once more.

It seemed war was always brewing, that's why she needed to be in Polis. Her and Lexa haven't exactly been on great terms since the mountain but Clarke knew her presence was needed here. How she ended up in Lexa's room she did not know.

Lexa's gaze seemed to have always fallen on her during the meeting. As various warriors yelled out their objections to the coalition, Lexa was focused on Clarke. Only when Clarke met her gaze with an expression of concern did Lexa obtain control of the meeting again and silence those who spoke in vain of the Wanheda.

Clarke took a shaky breath and stepped back from the balcony and turned into the room again. It was a beautiful room lit by the glow of many (many) candles. She walked back over to the couch and sat back on it, allowing all of her weight to fall onto it. She sank back into the couch and placed her hands on her forehead, the thoughts in her mind seemed to be bouncing around in her head. The throbbing she felt a result of their need to fight for control of her mind.

However hard she tried to think about the approaching war her thoughts always seemed to land on the Commander. After the mountain Clarke had retreated into the woods but when she had heard of the threat to her people she quickly came to Polis. She knew the only way to protect her people was to side with the Commander even if she had betrayed Clarke. 

So here she was, in Polis again waiting for the Commander to speak to her of the newly approaching war. Forgiveness wasn't necessary for an alliance she decided. She only needed to ensure the safety of her people, she still knew where her loyalties lied. The overpowering feeling of responsibility to her people seeped into every crack in her mind, it was her very purpose. Survival of her people, nothing more.

Maybe her and Lexa weren't that different after all. 

She was so immersed in her thoughts she almost didn't hear the door creak open, only when it shut did Clarke look up from her hands. When she met Lexa's gaze she held it for a moment before she quickly looked away and replaced her hands to her forehead, her gaze falling on her knees.

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