Jealous Commander?

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A/N: New cover? Yes. New story in the works? Yes. I'm writing a new lesbian story which I'll publish the first few chapters of eventually. It's called "To Be Hunted." Ok back to the smut that's why we are all here. Rated R? Yes.

"Lexa, I won't let you do this." Clarke dug her fingertips into the wooden war table beneath her, her head spinning.

"You can't stop me Clarke." Lexa rubbed her temples, obviously tired of this conversation. Her mind was made up and Clarke couldn't change that.

"Octavia didn't do anything!" Clarke slammed her fists into the table in a clear sign of frustration.

"She did." Lexa's voice was cold, her tone flat and heartless. Her mind was set and Clarke knew it.

They were facing away from each other, Clarke leaning over the war planning table and Lexa with her back to her. Almost unwilling to look Clarke in the eyes.

"Lexa, you can't wipe out my people because of one person." Clarke's voice was just as cold as Lexa's, her gaze heavy.

"Two people." Lexa turned to face Clarke, walking up behind her and standing to her side. "Bellamy planned a war against my army and Octavia protected him."

"He's her brother!" Clarke spun around to face Lexa. "Can't you understand that?" Clarke watched as Lexa put up her stoic mask.

"She loves him." Lexa reached forward and took a cup from the table behind Clarke. "That makes her weak." She took a sip from the cup, giving Clarke a half hooded gaze as she did so. "And she will pay for that with her life."

"How can you say that?" Clarke shook her head and looked away, unable to meet Lexa's eyes. "How can you punish somebody for loving?"

Lexa's eyes hardened as she remembered her past. "It is our way. We have all suffered at the hands of such beliefs." She set the cup back on the table and began pacing the tent once more.

"I won't let you." Clarke walked towards Lexa with confident strides. "I can't sacrifice my people anymore." Lexa raised her chin at Clarke's words.

Lexa stared at Clarke for a moment as if weighing her options. She had made up her mind, Octavia and Bellamy would die. However, she didn't have to wipe out all of Clarke's people.

"Octavia and the Sky boy die." Lexa watched Clarke's guarded expression carefully.

"Clarke if you truly wish to keep this alliance-"

"The need to protect my people comes first." Lexa raised her chin and narrowed her eyes. "Isn't that what you said? After you left me to die in that mountain."

"Clarke, our alliance was making such progress. Don't let emotions stop you now." Lexa took another sip from her cup.

"Is that what you think this is?!" Clarke stepped closer into Lexa's personal space. "Emotions?!"

Lexa remained silent, her stoic expression saying enough. Clarke shook her head in disbelief.

"Jealousy Commander. Really?" Clarke took a step closer causing Lexa to take a step back and lose her composure slightly.

"What are you talking about Clarke?" Lexa continued to take steps back as Clarke stepped forward.

"Bellamy. You want to kill him just like you killed Finn." Clarke's gaze was heavy, her eyes cold.

Lexa was shaken, "I- That's not-"

"Isn't it?!" Clarke stepped closer.

"He murdered innocent people. That's why he is dead." Lexa regained some of her composure, staring back at Clarke with an equally threatened glare.

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