1. Hindrance or Help

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Virgil felt the darkness swallowing him from below. He squeezed his eyes shut and pleaded for the voice to stop. He didn't care that he was sinking. He only wanted it to stop.

You failed, Anxiety. Just like we always knew you would.

Virgil was too exhausted to argue... I can't argue with the truth. He had one job as a main side; protect Thomas, and he had failed to do that. I'm sorry, Thomas. 

Virgil let his body relax into the dark liquid surrounding him and took a final breath before he was fully submerged, engulfed in darkness. 


Logan, Patton and Roman sat on the lounge in the common area of the mindscape; watching 'Learning new things about ourselves' play on a large screen. Roman was practically glowing with pride as Patton commented on how well the video had turned out.

"Aww, look at how cute Virgil's puppet is," Patton beamed. "It looks almost exactly like the one you made, Virgil."

Virgil was sitting in the corner on his bean bag; hoodie pulled up and arms crossed firmly in front of him. Virgil never felt good about Thomas uploading a new video. There were so many possible consequences to consider, and emotions filter and process. Regardless, he gave Patton a reassuring half smile and thumbs up. I shouldn't pass my negativity onto him.

"I thought you said you were going to make my puppet look more metallic?" Logan looked pointedly at Roman with his brown eyes. "My puppet was metal and that clearly does not look like any metal alloy I have ever come across."

"Well...I..." Roman was flustered and stumbled to find the right words to explain himself. Virgil couldn't help but smirk as the exchange continued. 

"Um, well... I did tell you that we couldn't make the puppet look exactly the same." Regaining his composure, Roman continued. "We are fictitious remember and w-"

"Yes, but you assured me that there would be an effect added to make it look more realistic." Adjusting his glasses, Logan ensures Roman wouldn't escape his glare. "Were you simply providing a falsehood to calm me down?"

"What?" Roman glanced around, searching for the appropriate way to respond. "Do you really think I would do such a thing?" 

Virgil glanced around the room. Crap! Roman is trying to lie...I am not in the mood to deal with Deceit right now.

"Yes. That is why I inquired." Logan folded his arms and looked expectantly at Roman, waiting for the creative side to admit to their negligence. 

Logan is getting angry. Is Rage here? Is Rage coming? I can't have Rage and Deceit here at the same time. I've gotta stop this somehow. "He was too busy focusing on how great he looked and forgot to ask Thomas to add in the affect." Why the heck did I say that?

Roman looked at Virgil in shock, while Logan glanced at Virgil briefly before returning a daggered gaze to Roman. 

"Of course, you forgot," Logan stood in front of Roman. "Why would you ever consider the needs of others."

"Well if you were so concerned, then why didn't you help with constructing the video?" 

Roman stood too. Both sides stared directly into each other's eyes; defending their own sense of right and wrong. Patton's attempts to talk the two down fell on deaf ears; as per usual. Virgil was scanning the room with heightened vigilance; heart rate increase and mind reeling. Why did I say something so aggravating? It couldn't have been me. Where are you, Rage?

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