Fight From the Inside|F.M.

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Warning, stronger language than usual.

You step inside the pub, kind of a quiet, secluded pub away from the busy streets of town, as it looked like it was meant to be. The walls were a tan shiplap with framed pictures of people chugging beers; contestants who have won the beer-chugging-contest, and pictures of bands who have performed on the small stage that was set up in the far back of the pub, and antiques scattered against the wall. It was a very welcoming vibe.

You scanned the room to where you were supposed to meet him, and finally spot him in a booth, sipping on a glass of wine, while tapping his fingers on the table, probably waiting for you.

Finally, you sigh out of happiness, simply because of the pure sight of seeing him, and you make your way over to him.

You arrive at his table and seeing you, he smiles with a wide grin, scooting out of his seat ready to give you a big hug.

"Hello, darling!" He exclaims, stretching his arms out to hug you.

You smile as you engulf Freddie into a big hug, smiling as you embrace his warmth.

"Sorry that I'm a bit late, my mum called me at the last second before I left the house," you said, taking off your coat, letting the heat from the inside of the pub warm you up.

"Oh don't worry about it, its all good, " he said in a very happy tone. He was just ecstatic to see you.

You nod and sit down into the booth in front of Freddie, and he does the same, in front of you.

He takes a brief sip of his wine before setting it down and smiles at you. "So, tell me about your day, " he says all goofy like, smiling very brightly.

You sigh, placing your hands in front of you, trying to think of something interesting to tell him. You didn't really think anything could be greater than his stories.

"Well," you started, unsurely. "I woke up, ate some breakfast, then I went to work. Oh God, I had the worst day at work today, " you murmured, now remembering an incident that happened, even though it didn't ruin your whole day. You just had to spice it up a bit.

Freddie's eyes widened, leaning in. "Oh goodness, do tell."

"Well, I was working the fitting booths today, and I let people into their rooms, and I put up the clothes that people don't like, y'know, that kind of stuff."


"Yeah, so today I was doing exactly that, sitting at the counter in front of the dressing booths, when suddenly I hear this loud, disgusting sound like someone is taking a shit, " you tell him, whispering that last bit.

Freddie chuckles, having an idea of what's coming up. "No!"

You laugh. "Yes! And I ignore it, thinking it was nothing for some odd reason, and then when the customer came out of the booth, I went in, and saw the most disgusting shit on the floor, with shirts scattered about the room-mind you, one-hundred-pound shirts-with shit stains on them!"

Freddie burst out laughing, clapping his hands in laughter. "Oh God!"

"That's not all, " you continued, laughing as well. "After I saw everything, I immediately informed the manager, and he came to me, and I showed him the mess and do you know what he said to me?"


You put your hands on your hips and said in a very mocking voice,"Well, since this is your area, I'm going to have to ask you to clean it up. You can throw away the shirts in the dumpsters behind the shop."

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