They Come Home Drunk pt.2

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Rami-  You sighed, being totally, and utterly relaxed, and you skimmed your fingers over the water, while you sat in the hot bath.

You were covered in bubbles from head to toe, as it was a bubble bath. Around you laid your favorite scented candles, and relaxing music playing in the background. You tapped your fingers on the water to the beat, keeping time.

You spent more time in the bath relaxing and listening to the music than actually getting clean, which you found funny. You chuckled to your thoughts and drifted to a soft sleep.

About twenty minutes later you woke up to the sound of pounding at the door. Your senses came flooding back, which made you shiver when you realized the water turned cold.


You leaned forward and turned the hot water back on, letting the tub best up again.

"Come in!" You shouted over the rushing water.

You heard the handle click as it turned, which made you gather up more bubbles over your body to hide yourself.

The door swung open, revealing your boyfriend Rami.

You sighed, worried that it was somebody else. "Oh hey, Rami."

"(Y/N)!" He shouted, running up to the tub with his arms out.

"Careful Rami, " you laughed, flicking some bubbles at him.

"I will, " he smiled, sitting on the edge of the tub. "How are you?" He giggled, fidgeting with his legs, and tapping his fingers on the tub.

You rose an eyebrow, wondering what was wrong with him, but you kept it to yourself. "I'm fine thanks... How are you?"

"I'mmmm drunnnnk!" He threw his hands up into the air, then started wiggling them like he was some sort of inflatable standing in front of gas stations.

You laughed shaking your head, flicking some bubbles at Rami. "Goodness, what am I going to do with you, Rami?"

"No... I believe the question is...." Rami tried sprawling out on the edge of the tub, but before you could stop him, he fell into the tub, sending water everywhere, leaving him totally drenched. "Shit."

"So is the question shit?" You laughed, hardly able to breathe because of your very drunk boyfriend.

"No...." He laughed too, splashing some bubbles on to you. "The question is... Is that do you know how sexy you are?" He pointed at you, then jabbed his finger to the center of your chest, which made you chuckle.

"Thanks, Rami. "

"You're welcome, my love." He smirked at you and leaned in to give you a kiss, which you leaned back in to, kissing him.

Gwilym-  You stood in the kitchen preparing food for you and Gwilym, trying to make a romantic gesture to your boyfriend. You were making spaghetti at the moment, which wasn't too hard to make, but it was considered 'fancy' anyway.

You went to the pantry and pulled out a box of spaghetti noodles, taking them out, then broke all of the noodles in half with your hands, dropping them into the pot of boiling water.

You made your way to the fridge to get your hamburger meat out, but before you could do so, the doorbell had rung.

Ding dong!

You groaned and quickly shuffled across the wooden floors, making your way over to the door. You unlocked it and let the door swing open, revealing your boyfriend, Gwilym Lee.

"Gwil?" You asked, wondering why he was home so early.

He smirked at you, swaying back and forth on his feet. "Hellloooo (Y/N). How is my lovely girlfriend?"

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