We Are The Champions|G.L.

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You and Gwil had both been practically dying in the car, as you were both on a very long car trip. You had listened to practically all of the songs on your Bluetooth in the car, and even turned on the radio a few times, but every time you did, its always been a commercial.

"One hundred bottles of Coke on the wall?" You asked, turning your head slightly to see Gwilym's reaction.

He sighed, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "No, not again. I don't think I can ever hear that song again, or anything even close to that tune."

You laughed weakly from being very sleepy on the road trip and basically listening to repetitive songs over the car ride. "Fair enough."

It was crazy. At first, you and Gwilym had been very excited to go on a road trip, singing songs, visiting different places, talking about life, etcetera, etcetera. But now, it was as if you had nothing to say to one another, or do anything for that matter. You were just ready to go to a hotel and sleep.

You tapped your fingers on the console between the two of you, being very bored and impatient. The silence between the two of you was getting stale and a bit awkward, so you leaned forward and pushed the button to turn on the radio.

Gwilym raised an eyebrow, looking at your hands as you turned the knob to the radio, switching from channel to channel.

Finally, you found one with no commercial, and it started playing Young Blood by Shawn Mendes.

Gwilym groaned and shook his head. "Turn it, I've heard that song too many times."

"Gwil, it's the only station that doesn't have any commercials on at the moment," you retort, turning the knob again anyway.

He shrugs, chuckling as he sees your turning it. Finally, you hear someone talking on the radio, so you stop turning the knob, being satisfied that you found a station. Better than those commercials, you thought, starting to listen to the announcer's words.

"...And this is, Queen!"

At that moment you practically jumped out of your seat, you got so excited. You squealed and turned over to Gwilym to see his reaction, and he was smiling from ear to ear. He had just gotten done filming Bohemian Rhapsody and you were extremely proud of him for playing the Brian May and doing such a fantastic job with it.

Quickly he reached over to the volume knob and turned the volume up loudly, still smiling. "I love this band," he said jokingly as if he slightly knew who they were.

You laughed, leaning over and excitedly planted a kiss on his cheek, simply because you loved Queen, and you were proud of your boyfriend.

You both nodded your head along to the song, as the very familiar piano part came on, making you both cheesily smile.

"I paid my dues... Time after time..." You both sang, fists in the air, listening to the glorious chords of Freddie Mercury. "I've done my sentence... But committed no crime..."

"And bad mistakes... I've made a few... I'VE HAD MY SHARE OF SAND KICKED IN MY FACE, BUT I'VE COME THROUGHHH!"

At that sudden burst of energy in the song, you started playing air drums, getting really into it, and he banged his head along to it.

"AND I NEED TO GO ON, AND ON, AND ON, 'CAUSE WEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONSSS, MY FRIENDSSS!" You both sang, bursting out into an ugly duet.

Then you turned to Gwilym, still playing your air drums as the guitar part came on.

"Play it Gwil!" You laughed, as he took his right hand off of the steering wheel and started strumming on his air guitar.

The song continued to play, letting both of you enjoy yourselves and scream your hearts out; banging your head to the beats. Whenever you arrived at stoplights, you swore people were staring or laughing, but you didn't care. You were having the time of your life with your boyfriend, the fake Brian May, who actually played this song.

As the song neared its end, Gwilym grabbed your hand, and raised it to the ceiling, letting Freddie finish his vocals, and even though the song didn't end with the lyrics, you sang it together anyway,

"Of the worrrrrlld..."

Gwilym smiled, bringing his hand down, still clasped with yours, bringing it over to his lips, and planted a sweet kiss on the top of your hand, then quickly returned his attention to the road, his hand still intertwined with yours.

You blushed, the kiss sending a swell throughout your body, knowing that he made your heart flutter. "I love you Gwil."

He glanced at you and chuckled. "I love you as well, dear. "

Hope you enjoyed this short and sweet chapter GalaxyXGold! I enjoyed writing it, I thought it was cute.

Anyway, if anyone wants to request, please don't feel afraid to request, even if you've already requested more than once, don't worry, you're not annoying me! Ily all! 💕💕

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