part four

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I hear muffled yelling in the background as I start to wake up from being passed out and I try to move but my bodies stiff and still sore even though I can feel myself healed. I hear a *whoosh* sound then I start falling but someone catches me and holds me in there arms awkwardly as it goes silent... I slowly open my eyes, groaning as they adjust to the brightness and I see a red jacket with a yellow stripe on it then the person decides to speak.

"are you a threat to us or the princess" he said in a threatening voice making me chuckle slightly but not noticable.

I shake my head lightly turning it to the side slightly and looking around then my eyes land on Allura and I immediately push the person holding me away and run over to Alurra hugging her tightly while hiding my face in her neck, much to her surprise.

"(y/n)? Is that really you?" I hear corran say and I look over at him nodding making him show a small smile "your alive.."

"who are you and how could you reach into our minds! also how did you know one of us was with the galra!?" the one who caught me before yelled at me demanding answers to his questions.

"calm down keith!" Lance yelled at him.

I turned my head and looked at the paladins for the first time and looked at the one who caught me then realised he was the one who stabbed me.

"if you really think I was a threat then why did you catch me instead of letting me fall? also thanks for stabbing me, idiot. That hurt.." I said in a soft and quiet voice which caught him by surprise.

"..w-whatever! And I did it because you threw my friend across the hall!" He was about to say something else before I cut him off.

"it's called self defense and plus, I was scared and trying to escape!!" 

"whatever.. And you didn't answer my other question either. How did you know one of us was with the galra!?" I sighed and hid my face in Alurra's shoulder making him annoyed.

"alright, let's settle down now bud. I'd like to introduce this girl to you five paladins. Paladins, meet (y/n) my niece!" Corran said and you could practically feel there shock in the atmosphere. 

"how are you still alive (y/n)? You should be dead.." Alurra said looking at me wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

I just stayed quiet and closed my eyes feeling safe in my friends arms again.

"She got captured by the galra. They probably experimented on her, like they did to me.." after hearing this Alurra hugged me tighter. 

"galra are so monstrous! They kill for fun and torture the innocent!" she sounds like she's going to cry.. Alurra...

"Tch. Whatever. I'm going to find a room to stay in" Keith said as he left. I turned around and looked at the paladins.

"Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Shiro" 'I know who you are already. guess you forgot me.. That doesn't surprise me...'

"I'm hunk" the big guy said 

"Pidge" a guy, girl? I don't know, said. They had big round glasses and they were very short. It made me want to laugh..

"the names Lance" The one who tried talking to me on the galra ship.. He winked at me only to get hit by Shiro making me chuckle slightly and smile a little. Shiro must've noticed because he smiled at me but I looked away at Corran and Allura. 

"can I go to my room?" I rub my eyes as I start to get sleepy.

"sure. We'll check up on you later. ok?" Corran said and I nodded

"ok.." I started walking away and I looked at Lance who seemed to be looking at my right arm making me move it away and look away shyly as I walked to my room. 

'He didn't forget...'


I hoped you all enjoy this and I hope you had fun reading this as well!! I look forward to this story seeing how i've been watching Voltron again!! anway bye and hope you have a wonderful day/night!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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