chapter three

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Your POV

I woke up in the escape pod I used to escape from the galra. I opened my eyes and tried moving but groaned after just remembering the slash I got from that hot headed mullet, I winced in pain as I got up holding the wound and stumbling over to the wall leaning against it. How did I not die exactly? I closed my eyes and calmed down going silent then I heard screaming and two voices that seemed, familier? I opened my eyes and slowly walked out of the ship but before I could even take a couple of steps I started hearing lasers and explosions. what's.. going on out there?.

I slowly walked out and my eyes widened, galra!!? The lions!? What!? I ran over to a tree and sat down making sure I wouldn't be seen and watched slightly but I saw something in the distance, a castle? I looked around and thought the galra would be distracted by the lions so I ran over to the castle having to dodge lasers that fell from the sky, luckily not directly at me. As I got closer I realised who's castle it is and what castle it is. The castle of lions! It's working which means Allura and Coran are still alive! The bad thing is though is that there being hit by lasers. Wait! I don't hear or see the lions anymore I look behind me and see them being pulled up to the galran ship and an Ion cannon being charged up ready to hit the castle! With the way everything's turning out there going to lose! I turn back around and keep running towards the castle only to be blown away by the blast of the cannon falling to the ground landing on my side and wincing in pain again. 'no!! i'm not losing them again! I can't!!' I get back up ignoring the pain running over to the castle and standing in front of it and slowly creating a barrier as it covers the front of the castle where the Ion cannons being directed at the castle, 'never give a prisoner with the intentions of defeating the galra powers!' I tune into the paladins, Alurras, and corans minds. 

'What are you five doing!?' I yell in my mind once I connected everyone.

"what? Who are you! How are you in our minds!?" it's that lance guy.. I roll my eyes.

"Wait is that you-!?" Allura.. she remembers me...

'I know none of you know me! But I know that you all have a family waiting for you and if not a family a friend! You five paladins are the universes only hope of surviving! One of you already know what the galra are like! Everyone is relying on you all. The lions saw potential in all of you and that's why you five were chosen! everyone is counting on you and voltron to stop this war! If you all work together you can stop this war and bring peace back to the universe once again! you can't give up! everyone is relying on you five!'

I felt the passion from each of them then a bright light appeared I saw voltron! They flew up to the Ion cannon and push it away because the beam moved to the side of the castle away from hitting it so I stopped using my barrier and closed my eyes falling to the ground on my knees exhausted and in serious pain..

"thanks for the help, miss" I heard one of them say and that was the last thing I remember before blacking out, again...


HELLO!!  hoped you liked this chapter and sorry if some bits don't make sense in some ways. I was in a hurry! anyway I hope you enjoyed this! bye bye!!

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