chapter two

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Hunk's POV

"apparently the prisoner excaped!" I said then Lance joined the conversation.

"there helping hunk and I out!" He said as he kept looking at the person while I did the same trying to find out there gender. It only felt like a second later and the what looked like an army of robot galras now looked like a small fleet and lance and I could see the person.

 They had short (H/C) hair, a long sleeved turtle neck shirt with there right sleeve looking like it'd been torn off by something and the left side of there black legging they had on. There back was towards us now so we couldn't see there face. Once they finished destroying th robots they slightly turned towards me and Lance so we could see half of her face, it was a girl but she looked emotionless and dull. Half of her face was purple and her eye was glowing. I was about to ask her something when Lance took a step over to her.

Lance's POV

I don't know what came over me but when I saw how broken the girl looked.. It was like I wasn't the same old flirtatious Lance anymore and I took a step over to her. "H-Hi. My names Lance and thats Hunk" I nervously said as I pointed behind me to Hunk.

As I started walking towards her and thats when she turned around properly to look at me and I could see her face more clearly. One side was a normal (S/C) tone and had a beautiful (E/C) eye while the other side of her face was a dark purple and had a beautiful bright golden yellow with a glow, they both had one thing in common they were both dull and lifeless. I went to say something but her face went back to normal the purple skin and golden eye dissapearing confusing me until I heard Shiro yell. "Lance!? What are you doing!? They could hurt you!" 

I turned around to see all my friends there except Keith. probably still trying to find his lion. stupid drop out.

"Lance watch ou-!" Before they could finish I felt a cold blade go around my neck.

"Let our friend go!" They all screamed but the cold blade only came closer making me freeze. I heard a faint 'sorry' before being thrown across the hall banging into my friends. we all get up and I turn around after hearing a gasp from the girl only to see Keith behind her and his sword through her stomach!? "Keith what the hell!!?" I go to run over but she teleports away no where to be seen leaving the sword to fall to the ground with her blood on it..

your POV

After my ancounter with the five males I ran towards the excape pods and hop into one turning it on and flying away from my prison i've be been held at for years, I stopped counting..

"where are you Allura?" I questioned myself as I placed my hand on the cut I got from that stupid mullet. "at least I wont die as a prisoner..." I close my eyes and let darkness consume me and decide my fate..

Allura's POV

I was in the control room waiting for the new paladins to come back from obtaining the red lion. When they got back they told me about Lance and what happened then a couple minutes later an explosion was heard and thats when I felt a presence i've been looking for and missing but I didn't expect was was to happen next..


finally!!!! hoped you liked it cause I enjoyed making it also sorry if it doesn't make sense in some bits (mainly the end) I was in a rush

whelp bye bye for now!!

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