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Thanks so much for clicking this! Be it because you found it recommended, through a friend or because you know me, the author, already— I'm grateful.

Quick note; this is going to be different than "Everywhere" or the One-Shot collections. No A/N's at the end, no random rants in extra chapters, and no 4th wall breaks. Just the story, this A/N, and one at the end.

The book is almost finished!
Though it may not have been published, nearly all chapters have been written, beta-ed and edited when you see this! NO HALF STORY.

Rated PG-15 for Bakugou's Potty Mouth and Sam's inability to keep Danny silent.

Triggers warnings for fluff, KO'ed half-delusional characters and a lot of fun.
(No but seriously no major gore or death or anything (maybe a bit of blood but nothing too bad) just semi-domestic nonsense and friendships between characters because I need positivity in my life.)

'My attempt at a MHA and DP crossover.'


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