A meeting by Bree

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Her long steps were soundless and no one heard her pass through the night. Not a single man or mouse. She aims her arrow at her target and she shoots. The arrowhead finds its mark and the rabbit bleeds out in mere seconds. Quickly she ends its suffering, snapping its neck and stroking its matted fur. The large brown eyes have a milky film laced over them. Its bleeding from burst open wounds.
Rabbits plague they call it. It only affects rabbit in areas where there simply are too many. Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings and every other species is unaffected by it. Just rabbits. But they suffer immensely and a quick merciful death is all she can do for  them.
"What do you want?" Her throat cutting voice bites like ice cold wind into the wizards skin. "I am looking for someone to partake in an adventure, Milady. I'd like you to be the 15th member of our quest." "What quest, wizard?" "To reclaim the mountain Erebor and slay a dragon." "Erebor. Dark fingers reach out for it. Fingers I know all too well. And slay a dragon? So that is why you need me. For my.." "Yes. Please come to the shire in 10 moons. To Hobbington Bagend. Its very easy to find. End of Bagshot row." She looks at the grey wizard with scepticism. Until then all he ever brought her was trouble. More trouble than she ever bargained for. "I will decide if it's worth to join once I meet the others. We'll see each other. I have a quest of my own, wizard. I won't promise to help you." Gandalf smiles, but still worries. If she wouldn't come, the quest is as good as failed. "Yes, Milady. There will be food and lots of it. So bring an empty stomach."
"I'll see if I can manage that."

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