I drove slowly along the dimly lit drive way, trying to steady my breathing as we got closer and closer to where we were heading; my jaw dropped when I finally saw our destination.

The house, better named a mansion, was gorgeous. An extremely modern design, with lots of black exterior and large windows from ground to ceiling painted the front of the home, making it more than unique compared to the neighboring homes we had passed on the way here.

The house was extremely private, another amenity the other homes on the stretch couldn't claim, with miles between this home and the next.

Large palm trees and a multitude of exotic flowers decorated the front lawn and traced a perfect outline along the circle drive as we made our way to the front of the home.

I turned in my seat to get a better view of the breathtaking fountain that was centered directly in front of the house, in the middle of large driveway.

"Holy shit." Nikki's mouth has fallen wide open as she takes in the scene around us. I nod my head in agreement.

"I mean, I knew he had money because that hotel room was NOT cheap. But, this is like a whole other level of wealth." I put the car into park and shut it off but remaining seated, crossing my arms.

"I don't reckon this is rude to say, considering I'm carrying his child, but when he told me they were in the music industry I honestly expected a run down little apartment with mattresses on the floor in the bedrooms. You know, living that whole struggling musicians life?" She has passenger side visor pulled down, checking her makeup one last time.

"I feel really stupid right now for not just googling their names. Like honestly. Maybe we could've figured something out and been a little more prepared." I stated as I unbuckled myself, grabbing my purse and opening the door.

"He made me promise that night that I wouldn't. He said he wanted me to know him from him. Nobody else." Her cheeks flush and she smiles at the ground as we walk up the small path to the front door.

"Sounds like something Ted Bundy would say too." I mutter and she scoffs, elbowing me playfully.

"Don't say that! I'm already nervous enough!" She whined, her foot stomping the ground reminiscent of a toddler throwing a tantrum.

I laugh a little too loudly as we reach the door and I lean forward ready to knock. Before my hand can make contact with the dark wooden door, it moves backwards opening up and revealing a tall man with long brown curls to his shoulder.

His smile was bright and cheerful spreading across his entire face resulting in two adorable dimples. He looks vaguely familiar but I can't quite place where I know him from.

"Hello, loves! You must be Angela. I've heard so much." His deep British tone very warm and welcoming.

He reaches forward and embraces us each into a tight hug before allowing us past him and into the foyer, taking the baking dish we had brought with us.

"It's so nice to meet you too, you must be.." I trail off unsure of who he is exactly but from Kendall's description, I'm assuming it's the gentleman's phone I called.

"Harry." Nikki speaks up for me, smiling brightly at our host. "It's so nice to see you again."

"Yes, yes it's so lovely to see you again too, darling. Less intoxicated this time, the both of us." He shares a look with her that indicates that I'm missing something.

"I'm sorry, you all have met?" I gesture between the two of them.

Nikki places her hand on the top of her head and Harry starts to speak. "I um, went for a glass of water about the same time that your sister was comin' back from the loo and well, she sort of ended up in the wrong bed." His laugh echos across the high ceilings.

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Where stories live. Discover now