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(Edit) before you start reading, please DO NOT put this in a ddlb thing, little space is a coping mechanism, not a kink, yes there will be sex and other things in here, but NEVER when he is little space (expect one part which will make sense if you read it but you can also skip it due to it being non constant. So please stop using this story for a kink)

Ashley's pov

The first day at a new school, this is bull shit. My mom said that this school is little so I guess that's okay, I don't like big schools.

"Ashley hurry up you don't want to be late for your first day" my mom called.

"I'm coming" I quickly finished my hair that's dyed purple and black making it galaxy like. I looked at my outfit one more time, black ripped jeans, and a black top with the word hentai on it.

I put on my purple converse and grabbed my bag with Jack Skeleton on it.

"Hurry the bus will be here soon" My mom said giving me money for lunch.

"Okay mom, I'll see you when I get home, love you" I quickly got to my bus stop and I waited.

"Bye bye, I'll be home before dinner" a heard a boy say.

I put in my earbuds as I feel the boy stand by me.

"Hi, you must be new to going to little school" the boy said

"yeah I am" I said taking out my earbuds now realizing that I actually have to socialize.

"I can tell, you aren't dressed right" the boy smiled. He's wearing a pastel yellow shirt and pink overalls.

"um I was never told that there was a dress code" I said.

"they usually don't tell, they just expect you to know"

I nodded and the bus came, fucking finally. I put my earbuds back in and got on the bus. As I sat down that same boy sat with me. 

"I'm James" The boy smiled


More people entered the bus and they were all dressed in bright colours.

"Hi James, who's this scary guy?" A girl with a white frilly dress asked sitting across from us.

"How am I scary?" I whispered to James

"This is Ashley, he's new" James giggled

"Hi Ashley, I'm Taylor"

I chewed the skin of my lip as I start feeling like a child again. God this is so messed up, this isn't normal for someone to feel like a dumb baby. I pulled my feet up to the seat and hugged my knees. It's too loud on this bus.

"Are you okay?" James asked concerned.

I nodded and looked out the window watching the trees go by.

"Come on Ashley, we have to get you into different clothes" James said as we entered the school.


"You'll get in trouble, the nurse has spare clothes"

James grabbed my hand and pulled me into the nurse's office.

"James, if you tell me that you want a bandaid just for your outfit already then I- Oh, hello" The nurse turned to us.

"Ashley is new and didn't know we aren't supposed to wear this stuff." James said then went over to a cabinet opening it

"James, out of the bandaids, let's get you new clothes Ashley"

I nodded and we went into a back room. A lot of clothes hung from the walls. It's just a huge walk-in closet.

"I think you should wear dis one" James said pointing at a blue shirt with matching overalls.

I shook my head no and kept looking. After a minute I found myself looking at an outfit that I like, but it's a girl outfit and I'll be judged (outfit up top)

"Do you want this one Ashley?" The nurse asked

"I uh, n-no" I quickly walked away and went back to the boy section.

"Try it on" The nurse handed me the outfit I was looking at.

"Bunny" James giggled.

My small brain wanted me to cry, he's judging me. I hate this weird side of me.

"Ashley don't cry, what's wrong?" The nurse bent down to my hight.

"My dumbhead isn't normal, it wants me to be a child and it wants me to wear a girly outfit even tho I'm seventeen and a boy" I cried.

"That's not weird" James came up to me and hugged me.

"Yes it is, I'm not a baby but my head keeps going back in time" I cried on his shoulder.

"Ashley, do you know what school you go to?" The nurse asked

"This one, The little school, it's just a small school so I don't have to be surrounded by a lot of people"

"That's not what this school is love, this is a little space school, do you know what that means?"

I shook my head no and wiped away my tears.

"It's a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety, in other words, you go into a child-like state to feel safe and not worry about adult stuff, understand?"

"k-kind of" I said trying to not sound like a baby

"Let's get you dressed okay? Then we can get you a sippy and fill it with juice" The nurse stood up and patted my head.

I took the outfit and went into the bathroom and changed. I took out my black earrings and tried putting in the pink dangly ones but failed.

"Is everything okay in there Ashley?" The nurse asked knocking on the door.

"I can't get the earrings in" I pouted opening the door.

"Let me help you then" The nurse put the earrings in and smiled at me putting the bunny headband on me.

"Ashley you look amazing" James screeched

I smiled and messed with the skirt a bit.

"Let's get you the sippy" The nurse took me into another room

"Everyone, we have a new student, please make him feel welcomed, come on in Ashley," The teacher said

I walked into the room and held onto the sippy and a bunny plushie. My head was down afraid to see everyone.

"Ashley, sit by Heidi, she's the girl in the pink bow in her hair" The teacher pointed.

I nodded and walked over to the desk by the girl.

"I put a math activity book in everyone's desk, so work on that for about an hour, and once you finish you can play on the mat"

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