“Well I was at the park one day chasing a sympetrum frequens,” Everyone gave her a confused look. “Sorry I’m a bug nut, it’s a red dragonfly. It’s pretty rare especially here.  Anyway I was bent down digging through some bushes looking for this rare red bug, completely unaware of my surroundings, when I hit something hard with my head. I pulled back rubbing the sore spot and when I looked up there was Shino doing the same thing. We were both looking for the same red dragonfly in the same bush it kind of felt like fate. We started talking and that was that. I never thought I would find someone who had a passion for entomology like I do,” She looked like she was on cloud nine remembering her sweet but weird meeting with Shino.

Most of the girls just smiled and say how cute it was when in reality most of them were creeped out. Reika was most of all she hated any kind of bug and would scream and carry on even if she saw a tiny little gnat. No one could figure out how this cute blonde girl could be into bugs. She looked like that kind of girl who would scream not get excited. So her paring with Shino was like a match made in heaven. Asami went on to explain a little more about her bug up session when the movie that was on ended. Reika took the opportunity to find something else to throw on for background noise instead of listening to anymore bug talk. She already had the hibbie-jibbies and knew she was going to have a hard time falling asleep. Asami then asked how the others met and started dating and everyone told their story in turn.

        “You don’t have a boyfriend Hazuki?” Asami asked breaking off a piece of chocolate from the huge bar they were all sharing then handing it off to Sakura.

Hazuki was just about to put a piece of popcorn in her mouth and stopped midair. Her mouth hanging opened.

        “No she doesn’t however she did get stuck with Shikamaru over night. They claim that nothing happened but something did,” Ino answered for her while the other girls just giggled.

        “Over night in a cave that sounds romantic,” Asami wasn’t trying to tease Hazuki like the rest were. The girl really found the idea romantic. It was anything but that.

        “I keep telling you nothing did. We mostly just screamed at each other,” This time Hazuki got the popcorn to her mouth.

        “So you screamed at each other and then you made up right,” Sakura put a lot of emphasis on made up.

        “We just apologized then talked until I fell asleep, and by the time we woke up the next day Jiraiya was there,” Hazuki was starting to get annoyed this was getting really old.

         “We still don’t believe you,” Ino grabbed the chocolate bar Reika was handing her.

Hazuki gave her a dirty look, but inside she was freaking out. What if he does say something? She thought trying to keep her face emotionless. 

        “It’s okay Hazuki you don’t have to tell us even though we are your friends and just want to know what’s going on with you. You’re the only one of us who doesn’t have a boyfriend. Don’t you feel left out?” Reika tried to guilt her into telling them. Hazuki had been around Reika long enough to know her tactics, so the dirty look was turned to her.

        Reika put her hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying.”

        “Can we hum change the subject? Hazuki doesn’t want to talk about it. Plus I have some questions about Naruto,” Hinata nervously played with her hands in her lap.

Hazuki wanted to kiss her savior but knew if she did the others wouldn’t drop it until she gave them something more than what she already did.

        Down in the basement the boys were eating junk food, playing video games and hanging out. Pretty much the same thing the girls were doing. Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba and Lee were playing Mario Kart 8 on the Wii. While Sai, Shino and Choji watched and waited for their turn.  Shikamaru was out on the back deck lounging in one of the white patio chairs having a cigarette.

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