Chapter Thirteen:

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"Find a place inside where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain."

Joseph Campbell

Missy's Viewpoint:

I knew that when I got off the phone call with Aaron, everything was going to change. Especially the fact that I might not make it to say goodbye to the ones that I love so dearly. Oh, how I wish that I could be given the chance to say goodbye to Jamie...Connor...Maggie...or even Anna who has taken such great care of Jamie and I over the years since the first attempt on my life by Hiram. 

When I hung up on my end of the phone call, I threw the phone to the ground in frustration at the fact that I can never be able to say the words that I truly wanted to say. It was breaking my heart and there was nothing that I can truly do about it.  I turned around  to see if I could see Hiram or even Hermione in the darkness of the woods with tears in my eyes. But all I could hear was the calling of the animals and the wind blowing through the trees and I could see the tallness of the trees, but there was no light to see.

When Hiram came into the room for the second time that I knew of, I knew what was coming. I knew that there was only so much time for me before my end would come. 

I knew that he was going to rape me once more, and I knew that he was going to hit his wife again. I knew that he had a daughter who would do anything to stop him because of what she said to him as he beat her. 

She was looking at me, and crying as she said between punches, "If you are able to get out, look for my daughter, Veronica. Your twin brother would know where to find her."

All I could do is to look at her in horror, knowing that Hiram was going to do something similar to me, and I would have no choice but to accept my fate that I am not going to be going home after this. That this time around, I am going to buried six feet under. I won't be able to hold my baby anymore. 

All I could do was pray that I might have the smallest of chances to hold my baby one last time, but as I fell to my knees with my eyes closed and I could feel tears filling up to the brim of my eyes, knowing full well that I needed to accept my fate. Knowing that I am not going to be able to say goodbye.

I always hoped and pray that I could be able to have that chance. But I am not, and that was breaking the very depths of my soul. I soon had my hands in a praying motion and I brought my hands to my mouth as I mouthed out my last wishes and prayers, knowing that there was going to be no one out there to save me.

I was brought back to this moment when I heard someone step on a tree branch nearby. Tears were now beginning to fall down my face. I continued to mouth out the words as I could smell Hiram's scent come closer to me. Step by step. One at a time. Slow at first, and then soon picking up the pace.

The last words that I remember saying before the first blow was placed on my head were, "God, help me."

Gibbs's Viewpoint:

I got a text from my team as I sat there in front of FP inside the interrogation room. I chose to ignore it at first as there was only silence in the room. I wanted FP to be able to defend himself and to tell me the truth of what was truly going on before I think of the other methods to make him tell me the truth. But there was soon a flood of texts that kept coming to my phone. I continued to ignore them. My team knew full well that I don't understand the need for texting. If they wanted to talk to me, they could call me or come talk to me.

And within a moment, Abby barged into the room. I turned back to look at her, and she at first stammered out something just looking at the two of us sitting across from each other. Both of us looking at her wondering what she just said, but I knew instantly that there was something going on that I needed to worry about since I could see Rossi came in behind her and just looked at me. 

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