Chapter Four:

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"It is far better to be alone than to be in bad company."

George Washington

Missy's Viewpoint:

So many thoughts and emotions were going through me that I barely noticed the car behind me. But the more that it followed me, the more scared that I got. I knew that something was wrong. That was when I decided that it would be a good idea to call Penelope. She gave me her number on the way out in case I needed anything and to also be able to have it on hand.

I then speed dialed her number, hoping, praying that she would pick up her phone. I knew that she was in that meeting with the rest of her team but I decided to take a chance before I call Emily. Emily told me everything that happened to her recently especially since she was now in Witness Protection with a new identity and that was something that was hard for her to adjust.

My phone call to Penelope went straight to voicemail, so I assumed that her phone was either turned off or she left it wherever her desk was and she forgot about it.

I then left a message once I was able to hear the beep and the recording from her. I was shaking and I could feel like I was about to have a panic attack, but I tried to remain calm and steady as I began to speak.

"Hi, Penelope, this is Missy, the girl that you met earlier when I came in to see Agents Rossi and Hotchner. Whenever you get this message, can you let them know that I am in trouble. I am in so much trouble. Please help me. I am being followed by a black sedan. I can't get a license plate or the make or model, but I am going to try to throw them off course to see if I can get them to stop following me, but I am afraid that I know who this is. Can you please help me?"

That was the recording stopped and I can no longer record anymore. I then started to have tears flow down my face, and I was so so scared as I drove around the city and I was trying every possible move to have him get off my tail.

I then called Emily, and she then picked up on the first ring.

"Emily," I said shaky.

"What is it, Missy? What's the matter?" Emily said, starting to panic even though I could hear in her voice how tired she was. I knew that she was a few hours ahead and that she was probably wanting to rest because of her recovery when she got my call.

"I'm being followed," I said as tears were still falling down rapidly.

"What? What happened? How do you even know this?" Emily asked, trying to remain calm for me, even though she knew deep down that this might not end too well for me and my sake.

"I went to see Aaron and David today. I wanted to confess what was really going on so that they would know the truth. But they have a case where it's going to take them to LA, and so I think that they are currently in a meeting. So, I left, and I just noticed the car following me about five minutes ago. But I think that they have been following me since I left the building," I said as I began to lose it.

"I am not ready to go through this again, Emily. I already did this once. I can't do this again. I'm not ready to die. I'm not ready," I nearly screamed.

"Missy, I am going to keep you on the line, but let me see if I can get a hold of the team. Maybe I can talk to JJ and have her divert the team towards you and your case. If that doesn't work, I'll get a hold of Hotch and see if he can make an exemption to see if he and his team can get to you faster than me, but I want you to call the cops while you are waiting for me," Emily replied.

I knew that she was willing to risk everything to save me, even if it meant coming from France. But I didn't want her to risk herself especially if she is healing and has to hide from Doyle. I don't want her to get hurt again. But I also know that she would do anything for the people that she loves.

"Emily," I said as I then heard silence on the other side of the phone.

I then started crying harder silently as the rain finally decided to pour down on this dark and gloomy day, so now I had to pay even more attention to the road and to the man who has been following me since the day that I left that small town all those years ago that I vowed to myself to never return again to.

But I got distracted by a deer that jumped out in front of me and my car and I tried to get out of the way, but I was too late. I was too late.

Rossi's Viewpoint:

I knew that something was wrong. I could tell by the feel of the room, but I wasn't too sure as to what was going on. I looked over at Aaron to see if there was something amiss, and I could tell by the look on his face that he was feeling the same way that I was. That something was wrong, but we couldn't put a finger on it.

Out of the corner of my eyes to my right, I could see JJ texting on her phone with someone and she had a concerned look on her face. That made me worried about what it is that she was talking about with someone on the other side of her phone.

I knew that it would have to be bad if she was texting with someone while we are going over our case, because she would never do that unless it is something that is most urgent.

I saw her look over at Aaron as she turned her phone off, and I could by the look that they shared that things have just changed, and even Penelope noticed it even though she was the one presenting the case to us.

I then leaned over to JJ and whispered, "What's wrong?"

She looked at me, and said quietly, "We just had a change of plans."

I then realized that something must have happened, and that my worst fears would be soon realized, and I don't know how I am going to be able to face them.

Aaron's Viewpoint:

I knew that by the text that I got from Emily and JJ that my worst fears were being realized even though I just found out what feels like moments ago that my first love and perhaps the love of my life that I have buried for so long deep within me and whom I have thought that I buried all those years ago.

I read the text from Emily saying that Missy was being followed possibly by Lodge or someone who might have a connection to him who owes him a great debt, and that we need to possibly find her because she is no longer able to reach her anymore.

I knew that we couldn't go to LA anymore not after that text. But how am I going to explain this to the team? I looked over at JJ and I could tell that she was thinking the same thing.

I then said, "Stop the case, Garcia."

Garcia and the rest of the team looked over at me completely confused.

Morgan asked, "Hotch, what's going on?"

"I just got a case from a case agent that needs help who just got off the phone with a victim that needs our help," I began to say.

I was then feeling like I was being choked up and JJ could see that, and that she jumped into speak.

"It's one of my connections that reached out to me and Hotch, and it looks like from my connection that her victim is in the midst of a life or death situation that could compromise her case," She said.

"Meaning?" Morgan asked as he looked between us both.

"It could mean that we would no longer be able to catch the most elusive serial killer that has been on the loose for the past 16 years..." JJ continued to say.

"Hiram Lodge," I said as I looked at the team and then out into the pit and saw the one person that I wasn't ready to see as I haven't seen him since her funeral, which was her twin brother FP.

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