Chapter Eleven:

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."


Rossi's Viewpoint:

Little did I know what was to come. All I knew was the fact that I was doing everything in my power to get to the bottom of what the hell happened to send Lodge down on Missy's path even though she was in the program, and the only connection that I can think of is FP. 

I knew his background. I knew what happened to him in his past, because of Missy. She was the one who showed me her case file as she had been in the system for so long, and she knew that she needed to share her story so that in case anything happened to her, we would know where to look for the answers that we were seeking.

Which reminds me to look over her file after I finish interrogating FP with Gibbs in case I missed anything. I don't know what I am going to find in there, but I hope to find some information that might help me help her so that she isn't somewhere out there suffering, but I also know that I need to check in with the team as well to see where they are as well with the profile as well.

I watched them on the other side of the glass window in between us to get a good look to see if FP would break or not with Gibbs in there, but I also want to make sure that Gibbs doesn't do anything stupid either.

"FP," Gibbs said, "What do you know about Lodge that we don't?"

"I can't tell you," FP replies as he looks down towards the table with his arms folded.

"Why is that? Does he have something on you that he could use against you if you speak up. Because if so, you can get immunity for it. You won't be charged with any crime if you tell us what we need to know in order to protect your sister," Gibbs said.

"I can't tell you, Gibbs. Please believe me when I saw that I would do anything to help my sister. But this...this I can't do," FP said as he looked up at Gibbs.

"And why is that, FP?" 

"Because it would destroy her in the end if she finds out," FP replies.

Missy's Viewpoint:

I saw Hiram hit Hermione once on the fact, and I had to close my eyes for a brief second as I heard the smack and the cry from her. I knew that I was going to be next for whatever he wanted.

I knew that he wanted to hurt me as badly as he did the first time if not worse. I knew that he wished that I was already dead because he couldn't believe that I was so happy with someone else. But all that I could pray for is that he doesn't know about my son or Connor. Because if he did, I would do anything to protect them. They don't need to be involved with my mess that I created all of those years ago.

I then opened my eyes, and there he was, standing at the edge of the bed, and I knew what was coming and that was when I began to have a panic attack because I was having such bad anxiety about what was about to happen. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't care about what I was going through.

All he cared about was what he wanted which was to torture me in ways that I didn't want to think about, but knew that were coming.

He then said nearly shouting at me, "Shut up."

I then started to calm myself down as I began to take some deep breaths, because I knew that he wanted to see me break even more than he has ever done before.

I then said still shaking from the panic attack, "What do you want?" 

All he did was stand there in silence before walking over to the end of the bed and unlock me from my chain. 

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