Chapter Nine:

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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rossi's Viewpoint:

I knew that this was going to be awkward between Rhodes and I, especially after the last time that we met. I didn't know back then about what happened between him and Missy. But in a way, I should have guessed that from looking at their son.

I could tell by the look in his eyes that we need to talk about what went down between us at a later time, but that right now, we need to worry about Missy.

I knew that Aaron is going to be finding out the truth about what happened during the time that Missy was in the Witness Protection Program and about Rhodes and his son and what the next steps might be.

But I am not too sure as to how Aaron would react. The memory of what happened between him and the Boston Reaper and Haley was still fresh on the minds of the team and on his especially. This case was something that was going to change everything and I don't honestly know if Aaron is willing or wanting to go through something like this again.

I then looked over at FP before looking back at Rhodes, and I knew that I am going to have to talk to both of them, but that Gibbs would want to know all of the same information that I wanted to know. I looked over at Gibbs and Gibbs looked at me and I knew that we were thinking the same thing. 

"I'll take care of FP, but you two need to settle the score between the two of you," Gibbs said as he began to walk into the interrogation room where FP was and shut the door behind him.

It was now silent with Garcia in the room, and I then looked over at her, and said, "Go see if the team needs anything."

She nodded as she looked between the two of us and then left the room to us. I could hear Gibbs having the conversation between them, but I wasn't fully listening to the conversation. I just wanted to get a read on Rhodes before I asked him any questions.

Rhodes looked at me and darted his eyes around the room with his arms folded. He knew what was coming. 

"I just want the truth. How long?" I asked with a sigh.

"Almost a year. It was casual, but the feelings...they never truly went away even when she had to end the relationship. I wanted to stay with her especially with our son..."Rhodes replied as he looked into the interrogation room avoiding looking at me.

I could see in the corner of his eye that there was the beginning of a tear and that is when I knew how worried he was about her. I didn't want to intrude too much on their relationship, but I needed to know more.

I then cleared my throat as I put my hands in my pockets before asking, "What did she tell you about her past?"

"Some, but I always knew that with her, if she wanted to talk about, she would. She just said that she was in the Witness Protection, but that she couldn't legally talk about why because if she did, the demons that put her there would follow me too, so that is why I was willing to let Anna take over care of Jamie. One of the nurses that I work with was our messenger when they all had to leave..." Rhodes said as he began to become silent with me.

I then walked over to him and looked in through the interrogation room. FP was still darting his movements with Gibbs. But I could tell that Gibbs had a pretty good hold on him, and was going to be going at him for a while, so I knew that this was probably going to be a good time to take Rhodes back to my office to be able to see Anna and his son, Jamie.

"Connor, will you walk with me?" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded and he then turned around and walked with me out of the room, and I lead him down the long hallway that was outside of the interrogation room. We walked together in silence as we walked up to the glass doors that lead into the pit of the BAU and Rhodes looked into the room as did I, and we saw along with Aaron and Anna, another woman was with them with hands on Jamie's shoulders.

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