Chapter 19: Deku vs Hisoka

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Deku vs Hisoka

He was running, panting, his footfalls landing on the tar of the road and his pounding heart the only sounds that reached his ears. The city was eerily quiet; and completely destroyed.

Buildings crumbled, cars crushed with debris, streetlights were littered everywhere, embedded into the walls of the broken buildings, street signs bent and torn apart. The tar road and cement pavements were cracked and broken.

And bodies. So many bodies lay scattered on the road, on the pavement, blood pooling around the cold corpses, but Izuku wasn't paying this any mind. He had to get there, they were in trouble and he had to get there to save them.

Izuku ran, a gasp leaving him as his eyes focused on a deformed silhouette. Izuku sprinted forward, lungs burning as his legs worked to get him there.
Faster, faster, FASTER!

His feet skidded on the tar as he came to an abrupt halt. He shook his head in disbelief, chest aching, eyes burning as hot tears slid down his cheeks, he swallowed around the lump in his throat; and whimpered.

There were tears running down the cheeks of the man before him, golden brown eyes wide and blank and dark, lips parted the slightest bit in disbelief. He was clutching a body to his chest, and Izuku felt his eyes trail down.

"M-mom?" He whimpered, lips trembling as his entire body began to shake with horror.
This can't be real. He just found them, he just got him back, you can't take him-!

"No, please, mom. Mom?" He begged and pleaded, and why wasn't Gon moving?! Why wasn't he picking his omega up and sprinting to the nearest hospital?! Why was he just sitting there and-!?

Izuku collapsed to his knees as realisation sunk in. Gon wasn't doing anything because Killua was already dead. Izuku whimpered again, before a loud, broken wail tore through his throat.


Deku sat up with a loud scream, briefly fighting whomever had been shaking him awake.
"Fuck! It's just me, calm down!!" Katsuki shouted, struggling to keep Izuku's arms down so he wouldn't punch the blond whilst he fought in his sleep.

Izuku stilled, frantically looking around. "Kacchan, I-I, what-? Where, where is-?" Izuku cut off as he gasped lung fills of air, body aquiver as he took in his surroundings.

"It's just a nightmare, Izuku, you're okay," Shoto's voice reassured in his ear from behind him.
Izuku took a deep breath and whimpered. "I-it felt so real, I,"

"It was just a dream," Katsuki repeated, pressing his forehead against Izuku's, staring into those confused emerald eyes. "Killua's not here," he stated.

Izuku sucked in a breath and nodded, licking his lips; he sniffed. Katsuki pulled back a bit, placing both of his hands on Izuku's cheeks and wiping away the tears with his thumbs.
"It's okay," he whispered reassuringly.

Izuku nodded again, trying to will away the tears that started to pool in his eyes again. Katsuki shushed him as he pulled the smaller into a hug, gently rocking them as he started to hum.

They had been sleeping peacefully--as peacefully as they could with Izuku's fight against Hisoka in less than twenty hours--when Katsuki was woken by Izuku's sleepy whimpers.

He tossed and turned, whimpering as his hand tried to reach for something that wasn't there. Shoto and Eijirou woke when Izuku started to call out to his mom.

At first they thought he was calling out to Inko, but then Izuku whimpered out a question asking; why aren't you doing anything dad? It was easy to connect whom he was dreaming of then.

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