Day 1: Into the Madness

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There were eyes everywhere.

Chase couldn't remember how he got back to his bedroom, but that's where he was, looking frantically around the room and panting like he just ran a marathon. His loss of memory did nothing to calm his anxiety, causing his hands to start shaking as he gasped. Everything was so familiar, but it was all wrong somehow; the door was missing, the shadows much more pronounced than normal.

Eyes covered the walls, ceiling, and floor, bright green and spinning around as agitatedly as he felt. They were blinking, some crying blood, others squinting like an invisible mouth was yelling or maybe laughing. Chase recoiled on his bed, pulling the blankets closer to his chest, desperate for any kind of safety in the chaos.

They were beginning to glow now. Some of the eyes' whites turned black as night, others began to glitch wildly. None of them were human anymore.

A loud ringing began to fill Chase's ears and he grabbed at his head, trying to get the noise to stop. It only got louder, blocking out every thought he might have had, the distant screams of women and children echoing around his mind. He had to get out of there, he had to save them. If only he could think of how.

The noise was too loud to bear. He felt himself screaming for it to stop as he squeezed his eyes shut, but he couldn't hear himself over the chaos of everything else. It was no use, the sound bounced around his skull and he swore that it began to crack him open.

Like a child, Chase pulled the covers up over his head, hiding from the terrors that surrounded him.

Make it stop, make it stop please, Stacy, help--!


Suddenly, everything was absolutely silent. The only sound that could be heard were Chase's heavy breaths and soft whimpers, amplified slightly as they were trapped under the blanket. He forced his heaving to slow, his shoulders to relax. The sound was gone, everything was okay now.

He opened his eyes, comforted by the darkness beneath his covers. It had all just been a nightmare, something wild from his imagination. Stacy was fine, the kids were fine. His own thoughts were reassuring now that he could hear them.

Carefully, Chase pulled the blanket down from his face and looked around the room again. No eyes, no glitches. The door was back where it was supposed to be. He could see gentle rays of moonlight break through the blinds of the window, landing gently on the floor and reminding himself of reality.

It couldn't hurt to be too careful. Chase threw the covers off and hopped from the bed, barely needing to take a step before pulling open the blinds. A familiar street down below, the view from his apartment bringing back comforting memories of the real world. Look, there was the lawn he'd played catch with the kids on and the sidewalk where Stacy had. . . thrown his suitcase. . . and yelled at him. . .

At least his head was back on straight.

Chase took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It had just been a dream. The panic had subsided completely now and he opened the window, letting the night air cool his warm body. Had he fallen asleep in his jeans?

He was too tired to change. Maybe adrenaline was supposed to have woken him up, but he felt as tired as he usually was too early in the morning. Usually it took him ages to fall asleep and getting into his pj's might wake him up again. It would be safer if he just went back to sleep.

Relieved at his luck, Chase turned back over to the bed and climbed under his sheets, leaning his back up against the wall for a moment before deciding to tuck himself in. It was a bad dream, that's all.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Everything was perfectly fine. He wished these night terrors didn't happen so often, but it didn't matter much to him at the moment. All that mattered was his breathing and the quiet hums of the wind through the open window. The world was at peace.

His brain began to doze off and he could feel himself falling asleep. Time passed by quickly, he wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there. His back was going to hurt if he didn't lay down flat, but his arms were too heavy. . .

A small giggle resonated next to his ear and the fear was back in full force. Chase's eyes snapped open, that laugh was too familiar not to be afraid of as he instinctively pushed himself up against the wall, trying to get away from the monster in front of him, his mouth open in a scream but no sound came out, the nightmare had been real, he should have never let his guard down, there was surely no escape now--

Anti put a pointed finger to his lips smiling gleefully at his victim, urging Chase to stay silent. The nightmarish being came closer and Chase could feel himself begin to hyperventilate. He wanted to run, to push the monster away and fight back, but too many failures had taught him his lesson. How could he forget so quickly every time? 

Anti giggled again and leaned in towards Chase's ear, forcing him backwards into the corner with nowhere else to move. He was trapped, fooled by his own stupidity as his reflection whispered spine-tingling words that burrowed their way into his brain.

"W҉hįc̢h ͞of̨ ͢yoųr̷ ̢pre̕ci͝ou̷s ͟kids ̷shòu͟l͜d͜ I ̵k̴ill f͡ír̨şt̕?"

It was a lie; they were already dead.


This was so fun to write, starting Mayhem off strong with this one!

I'm writing this on the night of May 3rd (I'm late to the prompts and it might take me a bit to catch up) and I'm glad I can whip these out fast. No coherent plotline, no word goal, just me writing what I want to write as fast as possible. Ah, the dream.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully I can keep this up and there will be more to come.

- the invisible eye that watches you at night

edit: just noticed i forgot to add zalgo effects onto anti's words and i've changed it. whoops, i'll remember to add them in future chapters.

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