Chapter Twenty-Eight: Plans, Plans, And Look! Even More Plans!

Start from the beginning

"You've been working," Park shoved her away and she giggled. "You've been shifting–shifting and killing them and it's working. I wanna help."

"Well then," she smiled wider. "Let's go find us a briefcase."

Park smiled back. She wrapped an arm around their neck and they placed theirs around her shoulders. The butterfly landed gently on the spot where their arms brushed against each other.

The red-eyed woman's eyes started to turn blue as she grabbed the briefcase.

[jordans house–late monday night]

"So..." Tate looked over at Vanya, who was tapping on her knee nervously. "You ended the world?"

"Apparently," she said, shrugging. "I don't really remember anything. I just now figured out that I've got powers."  She said the last word with a sort of awe in her voice, betraying her mystification at having any sort of powers; after all, she was ordinary. Just like everyone else. But she wasn't, not anymore.

"That's so cool," Tate whispered, eyes a light. Luther, who had spent the entirety of Storytime scowling in the corner, finally spoke up.

"It's not cool, dumbass, it was stupid!" He snapped. Tate recoiled.

"Luther!" Allison hissed, leaping to her feet. "Upstairs!"

"Why?" Luther said, eyes flaring.

"Now!" She shouted, and Luther followed her upstairs without a single glance backwards.

"Well then..." Klaus coughed awkwardly. "It's getting rather late."

"Yeah, yeah," Tate said as he scrambled to his feet, grabbing his schoolbag. "I can call Nico for a ride."

"Nico? How's that been going?" Klaus asked.

Tate paused and arched an eyebrow while he gazed at Klaus. "How do you know about Nico?"

Klaus grinned. "I've got my ways," he winked. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Uh,'s been going well," Tate said. "I'm sorry to have to go, but I've got a shit ton of homework to do. G'night, you guys."

"Goodnight!" They all said. Jordan got up and walked with Tate downstairs.

"You'll be safe?" Jordan asked after Tate hung up the phone. He nodded.

"Safer than you," he said. "Nico will be here in like ten minutes; his host family lives like thirty minutes away from you. Did you know that?"

"No, but I knew the Cobbs had a foreign exchange student," Jordan replied. "But...Tate, are we good now?"

Tate chewed his bottom lip. "I–I guess."

"What else do you wanna know?" Jordan said, pulling up a chair from the table. Tate got his own and slung the black bag next to his feet.

"Who is Eddie?" He asked, flushing like it was a forbidden question.

"Uh, I don't know," Jordan frowned as he tried to remember who Eddie was.

Tate blinked. "The dude you've got a crush on."

"Oh! No, his name isn't Eddie," Jordan felt his face heat up. "It's, uh, its Five."

Tate gaped for a minute. "Five is gay?!" He nearly shouted.

"I don't know!" Jordan hissed. "But shut up, Tate, you're gonna wake up Japan!"

He giggled. "Okay, sorry, sorry. But...has anything happened?"

Jordan smiled at the ground, his stomach twisting. "We may have kissed."

Tate gasped. He lunged forwards and grabbed Jordan's hands. "You two kissed?"

Jordan nodded happily. "Yeah! We did! Except, he ran off..."

Tate's face fell. "Oh. Oh, no."

Jordan shrugged. "It's okay, though. I'm sure he'll wanna talk to me eventually."

Tate gave him a skeptical look, but the two continued to talk about Five. They talked until Nico pulled up and picked up Tate, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. Jordan smiled and waved as they left, totally and completely unaware of the beautiful butterfly that flew into the house.

Thank you guys so much for 10k readssss
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and that you have a wonderful day!!!!!

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