Chapter 11 - Relief

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The two of you staked out the door, staying crouched and listening; Luke had insisted someone they knew would come past soon but it felt like hours you had watched the sun reach the highest point of the day, estimating the time to be somewhere in the early afternoon. Luke saw you frowning at the sun through your portion of cleared window. "You shouldn't look straight into the sun... ya know it damages your eyes" He grinned. You looked at him and raised your eyebrow. "Seriously (Y/N), I thought you were smarter than that..." He chuckled softly. You pushed him, not hard but he over balanced in his squatting form and fell on his butt. You grinned smugly and took another glance out the window, you hit Luke on the arm a few times as he was getting up.

"It's Clem!..." You whisper yelled at him. He nodded and went to the door, he waited and then opened the door and grabbed her, one arm round her waist the other over her mouth. You watched him with your eyebrow raised and closed the door softly behind them.

"Ah fuck!" You heard Luke exclaim and you turned back around quickly to see Clem was free and Luke clutching his hand. "She bit me!" He looked at you and you shrugged.

"You tried to kidnap her, what did you expect her do, let it happen?" You rolled your eyes and smiled at Clem. When she saw it was you, her eyes widened and she hugged you.

"When you weren't on the truck I didn't know what to think? I knew you weren't dead but I didn't know what happened..." Clem rambled; you hugged her back and laughed.

"I'm alive, so is Luke... we debated attacking them as they marched you out of the lodge but he weren't sure if they would kill everyone if we did... we chose to try and sneak in here and sneak you all out..." You frowned slightly. Clem pulled away from you and saw your face.

"It won't be easy... Carver has eyes on us all the time... its kind of scary..." Her voice shook a little. She turned to look at Luke and hugged him as well. "Sorry about your hand..." Luke chuckled softly.

"Your alright kid, it was my fault, I shouldn't have grabbed ya" He smiled and Clem smiled. "Anyway... we can't keep meeting like this... in person I mean... you gotta get us some radios, that way we can keep you guys updated on the plan"

"Luke! No way! Clem, no. You can't make her steal from these people they will probably kill her!" You protested. Clem shook her head.

"No, I'll do it. I can do it." Clem insisted. You looked at her, worryingly. "I can, I promise!" Luke nodded.

"I know you can kiddo" Luke smiled. You still looked a bit unsure but you nodded.

"Fine... but please... be careful!" You gave Clem one last hug before you heard the angry calls.

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