Chapter 7 - I'm Not Sleepy... You're Sleepy

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You left Walter. You wanted to bury him and give him a nice grave like the man truly deserved but your friends could be in danger and running out of time. You were glad Luke hadn't tried to save the day. He knew where the man, Carver, was taking everyone. As you walked he told you everything. "I was gonna tell you all this when you confronted me in the lodge. I wish I had, we coulda been better prepared. It was a god damn ambush!" Luke however was not so happy he had waited on the side lines. "I shoulda done something! Anything would have been better than just watching him take everyone."

"Don't beat yourself up. If you had gotten nabbed then there would have been no way I would have been able to find you all. Besides, I think it benefits having people on the outside... I haven't got a plan yet but I'll think of something." You hitched your bag on your shoulder, it was bugging you. You had both been so eager to hit the road in pursuit of your friends that you had grabbed everything and anything you thought was useful and tossed it widely into your bag, you were sure your spine was attacked by the repeated beating of a can of peaces... You had been walking all night and the sun was coming up. You yawned. You were tied but you could keep going. You looked over at Luke, he was dragging his feet as he walked, his own bag slipping from his shoulders going un-noticed. You sighed and pulled his bag off his shoulders and slung it over your own. He snapped back into almost full consciousness.

"Hey... I totally had that." He protested.

"Don't lie to me, look you need to sleep. You'll be no use to nobody if you rock up half asleep and drooling" You joked, Luke put his hand to his mouth to check for drool. He frowned when he realised you were joking. "Do you know any places we could stop for a while so you can nap?" Luke didn't seem keen on the idea but he told you about a cabin that his group had lived in after escaping the first time. It wasn't long until you came across it. It was a sweet little cabin, cosy and surrounded thick trees and brush that would be a great alarm system for the dead. You went inside. Luke threw himself down onto the sofa while you checked all the rooms for unwelcome guests. It was clear. You went back downstairs to Luke and sat in an arm chair across from him. He looked wide awake now and angry. "What's wrong now?!" You droned, raising your eyebrows mocking him.

"Typical, I'm practically sleepwalking my way here but as soon as it's safe to sleep I'm wide a god damn wake!" He frowned. He was so childish but it was funny and you guessed kind of cute.

"Wanna talk?" You suggested. "Many people have told me my conversations put them to sleep" You joked. Luke looked at you, taking you one hundred percent seriously.

"No way! You're like a total hard ass, you gotta have all sorts of great tales to tell" He defended. You smiled at him that was sweet of him to say.

"Not really, no more than anyone else in this fucked up world." You stated. In Luke's clearly exhausted state it was like he was intoxicated. It was amusing to watch.

"Alright then. Tell me about your ex's. I know I'm being ballsey, but damn I don't care right now" He smiled. You raised your eyebrow. This was gonna be fun...

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