Chapter 5 - Captain Jumpy

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You ran far, continuing to whistle and call you had a following of about ten walkers, you were thinking of a way to try and kill them all without getting grabbed or bitten and it wasn't looking good. Then gunfire rang out, you heard the sound of the bullets whistle past you and the thudding of the walkers dropping to the ground behind you, you threw yourself down as well but not before a bullet clipped your left arm. You bit your lip hard to stop any sound and lay still in the grass. You had this gut feeling that the gun owners were not your guys. They luckily didn't do a checking sweep and you heard to protestant cries of the others as they were forced inside the lodge, you waited for a while and then stood up and ran for the cover of the tree line. Lying flat on your front behind a bush you were able to peak round and see the lodge. It was still lit up by the roaring fire in the fireplace. You saw a guy standing in the window, you didn't recognise him and guessed he would shoot you if he saw you. You weighed your options, you couldn't take out any of the attackers especially since this was looking to be a hostage situation. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you didn't hear the footsteps behind you until your peripheral vision saw their legs, you jumped and grabbed one of the legs and pulled, the person fell to the ground beside you, you jumped on them, pulling a knife from your pocket and holding it to the persons face, you couldn't see who it was but it was defiantly a man.

"(Y/N)... Jesus Christ..." The person said, it was familiar southern accent. You loosened your grip on your blade.

"Luke...?" You questioned, "Fuck man! Don't creep up on me like that..." You frowned and put your knife away."

"Message received and understood" He joked... "So uh... you gonna let me go Captain Jumpy?" You frowned again, not impressed. You got off him but a place your hand on his chest.

"Stay down... I have a feeling the guy in the window has an itchy trigger finger..." You turned your attention back to the guy in the window. Luke placed his hand over yours and moved it off him as he rolled onto his front and crawled to be parallel next to you. His hand lingered holding yours but he let it go. You didn't think much of it because you didn't want to, you didn't what was happening in the lodge and saving everyone was the only thing on your mind but how? You looked around and saw Kenny, he was hunched up and creeping across the open space, sticking to shadows before he dove into what you could only describe as some kind of wooden gazebo. He had his rifle and he set it up on the ledge aiming at the guy in the window. "Shit..." You mumble and get up, remaining hunched you ran to Kenny, keeping to the trees for cover and darting out when the guard wasn't looking, Luke followed. "Don't shoot him Ken..." You said, Kenny's face contorted with rage and confusion.

"They have Sarita in there! And Clem and... everyone (Y/N) we cant just do nothing!" He protested, you nodded.

"I know... but if you shoot him... what's to say they won't kill Sarita or Clem as payback..." You gritted your teeth. You wanted as much as Kenny to run in there and be the hero but it was dangerous and you wouldn't get a second chance if it all backfired. "I'll sneak in... try and figure out a plan from the inside..." You said, trying to convince them and yourself...

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