Chapter 3 - Getting To Know You

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Rebecca and Alvin seemed nice enough, they were wary about the water you handed them but took and were grateful overall. You couldn't blame them for not instantly trusting you, they barely trusted Clementine so what did her word mean to them about you and Kenny? You understood, strangers now a days could easily be more dangerous than the flesh eaters that now roamed. You went back downstairs, Sarita had been decorating the lodge with Christmas decorations she had found, she had encouraged Sarah to help her and the girl was having a great time hanging the brightly coloured ornaments on the tree, you noticed her father anxiously watching her, you went over to him.

"Carlos right?" You looked at him. He didn't look at you, his eyes never left his daughter, but he gave you a short nod. "You know, she's safe here, Sarita is ever so nice and protective" You laugh softly. "The woman will let me kill the walkers but won't let me climb a ladder carrying anything" You smiled fondly. Carlos then looks away from Sarah and looks at you.

"I know it's safe here... but I can't help but worry. If she knew what this world was really like, what's really going on out there... she would... cease to function" He looked defeated. You nodded understandingly.

"I know you want to shelter her from what's happening... trust me... I never wanted Clementine to learn to use that gun" You sighed. "But the world has changed, and we need to change to... we need to change to survive Carlos. Sarah needs to learn and she's got to be brave..." Carlos looked at you as if ready to argue but then he shook his head.

"You're right... I just can't bring myself to ruin her like that" He folded his arms.

"You won't be 'ruining' her. You'll be preparing her... for if the worst was to come and you won't be there for her anymore..." You didn't want to linger on such a sensitive topic "There are some old mannequins in the gift shop, I can set up a training ground and teach her myself" You offered. Carlos thought about and nodded.

"Yes, I'd like certainly seem able to handle yourself so I have no doubt you'll teach Sarah well" He smiled and so did you. You were making progress with these people. You weren't ungrateful for Walter, Kenny, Sarita and Matthew but there is only so many times you can hear about a mans failed boat plan...
You weren't sure if you were quite ready to talk to Nick, plus he had left the lodge and you really didn't want to go out there in the dark, if he wanted to take that risk that was his choice. You looked over at Luke; he had seated himself at one of the dinner benches by himself and seemed to be lost in thought, a worried look on his face. You marched over to him and sat down opposite him forcing him to look at you. He frowned.

"Why the worried look?" You questioned "Care to share your burden? Ya know it helps to talk about it and I'm pretty good with advice if I say so myself" You smiled. You were making an effort what more could you do? Luke looked at you and opened his mouth to start talking but that's when you saw Walker holding something as he walked outside the lodge, he looked upset. "Hold that thought... sorry..." You got up and followed Walter...

Winter's Heart (Luke X Reader - Trial!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora