12. Ransom or Escape?

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12. Ransom or Escape?

*Dylan's POV*

I tried to help Chris, but I couldn't do anything. Feeling useless, I just sat against the tree trunk and watched a bobby pin work in front of me. She'd had one in her hair, thankfully, so that made our escape easier.

"Dyl, how close am I?"

"Almost there?"

She sighed. "You've never picked a lock before, have you?"


"Just keep watch then and I'll try to work this out." I knew she was frustrated, even without her power. Her tone betrayed her.

I stayed silent and just listened. Of course she would be frustrated. She had to get me out of the house, into Andrew's car, keep me alive on the ride there (I'd gotten the feeling that Andrew was about to deposit me on the ground outside the car), and she'd dealt with the two before, making sure they didn't touch us. And what could I do? Sit there in silence and wait.

"I'm not upset at you," she groaned. "I'm irritated at him."

"Sh!" I cautioned as I heard voices start to come near.

"I'd be less suspicious," I heard a female voice say. "They don't know me."

"No," Andrew replied. "I want to see their faces when I deliver the letter."

"Then what? Give them Litokes and wait for it to kick in strongly before you escape? The second they see your face they'll tie you up and throw you in their basement and you know it."

I heard Andrew huff. "Jessica, you do not tell me what to do. I make my own choices."

"Based on what? Dad's grudges? That's sure making your own decisions."

She screamed and I heard a thud as her body hit the ground. "I told you not to boss me around!"

"I'm sorry, sorry." She murmured. "I didn't mean to, please don't hurt me."

I knew he was smiling. "Who would be my accomplice if I did?"

I frowned at his treatment of his sister. I'd never even think of hurting Lucia like that. Lucia! Oh, I wondered what she was thinking! I wished I knew. I wished I was home, with Chris.

The two bypassed us, arguing the whole way. When I didn't hear their voices anymore, but a car fading away, I told Chris that the coast was clear.

"Chris?" I asked when I heard sniffles. "You okay?"

"Mom and Dad don't know. For all they know I could be in Canada right now. Lucia was crying and your parents were screaming as we were dragged off. I should've done something to stop this. I felt that lock, I can't get it open. We're stuck here until they decided your parents have sacrificed enough money. Andrew planned this all out. He left my head mobile on purpose, to give us a hope of escape, but he knew I wouldn't be able to unlock it."

I grimaced. If I ever got my hands on him...

"My parents trust us. I don't know what they think happened to us, but I'm positive they know that we're okay. They'll resist the ransom as long as they can to give us time to get out."

"What can we do? It's hopeless. Our best bet is to sit here like good little hostages and wait."

I frowned and crumbled my brow. "Christine, what are you talking about?"

"Listen closely, Dylan. Andrew has thought over every means of escape five times. Jessie helped, I'm sure. There is nothing we can do." I caught that part at the beginning, and was glad I did. "There's a camera in the corner of the room."

I sighed. "We're not going to just sit here." I slyly looked around, I couldn't see the camera. Smiling wickedly, I made myself invisible and flattened back as much as possible.

"We can't do anything else."

As I scooted around, being bound by nothing other than a chain around my chest, I saw Chris swiveling her head. "Dyl? You okay?"

I sat shoulder-to-shoulder with her. "Hi," I whispered.

Her eyes showed that she knew where I was. "Dylan, this isn't funny." Sighing, she shook her head. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"Sitting." I answered just as quietly.

"You could get us killed." She spoke through her teeth, making it a bit harder to understand, but I caught it.

"Don't worry. They won't be able to see me."

"They can hear you."

"Maybe. Look, I can get my hands out of these chains pretty easily. Can you get me the bobby pin?"

"You don't know how to pick a lock."

"I'll figure it out."

She let her head fall back before looking around. "Dylan," she said louder, "seriously, say something." The bobby pin landed in my hand below the chains and I began scooting around. "You're freaking me out."

When I got back over, I sighed in relief and relaxed. "Sorry. I just tried to get comfortable. My butt and back ache."

She chuckled and I slipped my arms out of the chains. "Of course."

*Unknown's POV*

"I have Christine Waters." A very familiar voice scratched over the phone.

My heart leaped. "No. Leslie-"

"Oh, she didn't know. Now, unless you want both her and an invisibilitizer dead, you'll give me what I want."

I sighed. "Who is this invisibilitizer?"

"Dylan Simmons." My heart leaped again and I dropped the phone.

My husband ran up to me. "Lindsey, what's wrong?" I think I stopped breathing as I grasped for a handhold. I caught his hand and he lowered me into a chair.

"Th-the Wilson's. They have Natalia and Dylan Simmons." I gasped out, looking at him with wild eyes.

His eyes widened. "They found her?"

I nodded, reaching to pick up the phone. "What do you want from us?"

"I want 1.2 million and free passage."


Jacob wrenched the phone from my hand and listened carefully to his proposition. "When do you want it?" I started crying. We couldn't spare so much money! We hardly had enough!

"Okay. We'll meet you at the border. One last thing, Wilson. Do not call her Christine in my presence." He put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder comfortingly.

As he put the phone down, he pulled me close to him and whispered encouraging things in my ear.

My name was Queen Lindsey Elizabeth Rebekah Brewer IV. Never heard of me? You must live in Dimension One.

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