Guns and Wings

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Chapter Two

After The King of Hell left, the crowd (not including Chris) was ecstatic for the rest of the performances.

The Ring Master introduced them all one by one, and they all wowed and terrified the crowd.

There were many wonders and oddities that night, but the last two performances would stun them more than anything else.

"The last two acts you are about to see will startle and amaze you, more than anything you've ever seen, or will see, in your lifetime."

The crowd murmured amongst themselves. What could possibly shock them at this point?

They had been shown werewolfs, shapeshifters, and even a 'dragon'. They were still slightly disappointed of the dragon looking like a human.

But at this point, what could shock them?

"Welcome to the stage an act so impossible, you will be stunned beyond belief. Death hates these two brothers, who day after day defy him. Meet, The Winchesters!"

Two men walked out where everybody could see them.

They were Dean and Sam Winchester. They were considered the best in the freak show business, for their overwhelming ability.

The crowd looked at the two expectantly. They looked completely normal, and highly attractive.

"Yah ready Sammy?" Dean mumbled to his younger yet taller brother.

Sam took in a slow, deep breath. "Yup."

Dean nodded his head, and started the introduction.

"Hello audience members. I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam, and we're gonna kill each other."

Dean whipped out a gun, shooting his brother in between the eyes. The crowd yelled and screamed, horrified by what they just saw.

This man shot his brother in the head. This wasn't like the other acts. This man had a gun, and he shot a family member.

Members of the crowd started to get up and run towards the exit.

But suddenly, Sam sat back up, breathing in sharp and fast.

The wound was gone, the only thing left was the still wet blood on his forehead.

The audience sat silent. This man.. This man had died. He was shot in the skull, in between the eyes.

He should be dead, but there he was, sitting on the ground, breathing.

He got up and groaned. "Could've given me a warning Dean."

The oldest brother grinned. "I did. I said, and we're going to kill each other." At this he shot his brother again, this time in the heart.

The same process repeated, and when Sam stood up, he was mad.

"Dude! That was my favorite shirt!" Dean laughed, and it echoed through the silent tent.

"Calm down Sammy! You have a hundred shirts like it!" Sam grew a mischievous grin and pulled out a pistol, shooting Dean in the throat.

When Dean woke back up, he yelled at his brother. "Son of a bitch Sam, not my throat!"

The audience watched as the brothers bickered, killing each other over and over again.

They stopped their useless fight for a second, looking at the crowd.

"Oops. Sorry folks!" Dean shoved his gun into his holster.

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