Chapter XXIV - It didn't go according to plan or any of them.

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“hey we should go out for that date before eunha comes back?” taehyung asked as he looked up at the younger whom was trying- yes trying to pull his pants up but it hurt to stand up. “....yeah….we...should….though I think you might need to carry me..your vampire dick was a bit much” jungkook replied blushing and hissing abit from the pain as he stood and buttoned up his pants and lowered the bottom on the hoodie what was given to him.

Taehyung nodded and smiled as he put the rest of the dirty clothes away in the hamper and then walking to pick a tee shirt and tight pants and underwear. He quickly got changed then walking over to jungkook and using his towel he dried jungkook's wet locks of hair and as he giggled and smiled brightly.

“Let's get going.” taehyung said picking up jungkook and carrying him over the door then carefully placing him down so they could put their shoes on. taehyung picked jungkook up again and opened the door with one hand and They exit out the dorm room and locked before walking down the corridor to the lift and taehyung walked in side still carrying jungkook.

Taehyung had moved jungkook so he was being carried on his back like a piggy back ride. Once the lift came to a stop a the bottom the doors opened and taehyung walked out getting looks from other students of the university who studied there. He glared at them as he walked passed them, feeling their eyes watch his every move and the movement of jungkook hiding his face into his neck.  

“you'll be okay bun. They're just jealous that they don't have a loving and caring boyfriend as me” taehyung said chuckled earning a slap to his shoulder. Taehyung could feel jungkook's hot blush that was on his cheeks radiating onto his neck. “Let's go get coffee or tea.. what do you prefer?” taehyung wondered and asked jungkook. “ uh tea” jungkook answer as he played with taehyung's hair with one hand.

“okay, tea it is”

As they - well as taehyung walked down the street with jungkook ok his back. Something felt off. Checking his surroundings nothing seemed off, snuggling taehyung lifted jungkook up higher on his back and continued his way to the cafeè that had tea and coffee. Pushing the doors open he walked into line and waited. “could I have honey in mine tae?” jungkook chirped up as taehyung nodded making his bunny smile.

“hello~ what would you like today?” the girl at the cashier asked politely with a smile. “hi, could my boyfriend here get a medium cup of sweet tea with an added spoonful of honey?” taehyung asked for the order. The cashier nodded as typed the order into the screen. “would there be any thing else?” she asked looking back up “no that's all thank you”.

“okay, that's comes to ₩24,000” she replied with a smile. Jungkook smiled back as taehyung got his card out and paid. “cool your order will be ready soon, please wait over at the right thank you” she said as she pointed to her right. Taehyung nodded and walked with jungkook still on his back and they waited.

“MEDIUM SWEET TEA WITH HONEY?”  a worker asked looking around. “that's us” jungkook said back with a smile as taehyung walked over. Jungkook slid down and off of taehyung's back and grabbed the cup. “thank you!” They both said to the worker and left.

“are you okay walking there kook?”

“yeah it's a lot better now”

Taehyung nodded then as they were approaching an alleyway a black van came out of it and the doors open to have four different people come out fully dressed in black head to toe. Two of them pushed jungkook to the wall as his tea dropped to the ground spilling everywhere and he cried and kicked trying to get free and the other two grabbed taehyung and put a black bag over his head knocking him out, the only sound heard left was jungkook screaming his name.

The two who were holding jungkook kicked him in the stomach making him go limp and hunch over falling to the ground as they dragged taehyung into the black van and drove away fast. Jungkook shakily got to his feet and watched as the van got further and further away. He held his stomach and whimpered.

“oh no taehyung..”


Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed or not as well done as the others

School started back and I was falling asleep while writing.

And my depression got slightly worst so it was hard to write but I managed to in the end at 1 am.

Also yes giant plot twist

It wasn't Jungkook who was getting taken it was Taehyung?!

Anyway yeh

I hope you have been eating and sleeping well

(Unlike me)

I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

A Thousand Years J.JK & K.TH .:Completed:.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя