t w e n t y - f i v e ☕️

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jisoo carried me on his back on the way home, because my foot really hurt and i feel like i couldn't walk. i was still crying about what happened, because i could've been easily raped if jisoo didn't come.

as jisoo rang the doorbell, my mom answered it immediately. she must've been so worried. we've been out for almost 40 minutes.

"haewon? jisoo? what took you so long? i was so worried! did you buy the egg-" my mom started, but stopped once she saw me crying.

"why are you crying?" my mom asked as we got inside. everyone else was waiting in the living room, and i felt a bit embarrassed but i didn't care about embarrassment right now because of what happened.

"haewon! we were so worried! what happened?" my brother asked, and i could clearly see the worry in his eyes.

"should we tell them?" jisoo whispered as he carefully laid me on the other couch. i shook my head. "let them find out themselves." i replied. jisoo nodded and sat beside me.

"so what? you're not gonna answer any of our questions?" hyungwon asked. we both shook our heads. my eyes were so red because of crying, and i couldn't lie because they would know that i was lying.

"oh, mrs. chae? here are your eggs." jisoo said, taking out the eggs from the plastic bag and giving the rest of the things inside to me. "thank you, but i already cooked dinner because you took so long."

hyungwon sat beside me and spoke. "please, haewon. tell me what happened." he pleaded in worry. i shook my head again.

"should we just go up?" jisoo asked. i nodded. "you guys will find out when i tell you. and mom, i'm not in the mood to eat, thank you." i said.

i got the plastic bag with all my stuff as jisoo helped me to my room. i laid down on the bed, and he laid down beside me.

"i'm traumatized of what happened, jisoo." i said.

"i know.." he said. "how's your foot?"

i sat up, and took my shoes, along with my socks, off. i looked at my right foot and there was this big purple-ish mark on my ankle.

"it hurts so much." i said. i also accidentally scraped the side of my arm. jisoo saw the scrape, and he got a first aid kit from his bag.

"i brought this." he said, and showed me the kit. he got out some medicine and a cotton ball, and started treating the wound. "ah, it burns." i said. he put a band aid on my scrape.

"don't worry, it will go away in a bit." he said. he took a little bandage from his kit and put it around my right foot. just then, i spoke.

"why do you care for me so much?" i asked. "i was always distant and cold towards you, but you still care for me. why?"

"because..." he said, hesitant to say the truth. "that's what friends are for, even if you don't consider me as one."

friends. ouch. that word stung my heart. why am i feeling hurt? he's just a friend, haewon. i thought to myself. stop feeling so hurt.

he finished wrapping my foot, and just then, my aunt came in with a tray.

"hello, haewon and jisoo. are you sure you don't want to eat? i brought some food for you." she said.

"no, thank you, aunti-"

"we'll take it. thank you, auntie." jisoo said, cutting me off.

"okay." she said, but she noticed my foot before she left. "haewon! what happened?!"

"i just twisted my ankle. that's all, don't worry."

"aish, haewon, you should've been more careful." she said. "now, i don't know what happened to you, but it seems like a big deal. make sure to tell us tomorrow, all right? i'll leave you two alone, now."

"i know, i'm sorry. thank you."

she left the tray on the bedside table, and there were food made for jisoo and i. we both started eating.

"how did you know i was there?" i asked jisoo.

"well, i kinda... followed you around..." he said. "i knew something bad was gonna happen, so i followed you. my instincts were right."

"it's a bummer. the first day in jeju island and i almost got raped, possibly murdered, and now i'm unable to walk." i said, stuffing food in my mouth.

"yeah." jisoo said, and sighed.

"by the way, thank you so much." i said. "what can i do to repay you? you saved me."

"oh, it's nothing. you already repaid me several times." he said.

"what? how?"

"by making my days."

the next morning, i came down the stairs, with the help of jisoo. everyone was on the dining table eating breakfast while chatting.

"goodmorning!" seungkwan said. "are you okay now, noona? after the mystery incident that happened yesterday that you wouldn't tell us about?"

"yeah, i'm feeling a bit better now."

"oof, are your arm and leg doing okay?" my brother asked when he saw my wrapped foot and my bandaged arm.


"did you like, fall and scrape your arm and twisted your leg? is that what happened?" seungjin, one of seungkwan's older sisters, asked.

"hmm, yeah. but that's only half of the reasons why i was crying so hard when i got home."

i sat down on the chair and jisoo sat beside me. i got some toast from the plate, along with some egg and sandwich-ed it together.

"what?" my mom gasped. everyone looked at her. "the internet says that someone was sexually harrassed last night, in jeju-do, south korea, at around 8:30 PM!!"

from the corner of my eye, i saw jisoo look at me, but i was just looking down.

"did you hear this, haewon? see, this is why you should be-" my mom started, but stopped once she saw my reaction.

"why are you acting like that, hae?" my dad asked. i looked up, and my mom was looking at me with wide eyes. i looked around, and all the women on the table were looking at me with wide eyes, too.

"what is it?" my dad and my brother asked.

"don't you get it?" my mom said as i looked down. "she was the one who was sexually harrassed..."

everyone else gasped, as i stood up from my seat, got my egg sandwich, and headed up the stairs. i know i'm being dramatic, but it was a bad memory of mine and i don't want to remember.

i was struggling to get up the stairs, since my foot still hurt and i was limping. i could sense everyone was looking at my with pity.

"should we go comfort her?" seungkwan asked.

"no, i know haewon." hyungwon said. "when she's feeling down, she just needs time to herself."

true, but right now, i just want someone to comfort me.

word count: 1167 words

falling for u   ➳   joshua hongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang