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i actually can't believe he's here again. it's him again. i don't believe it. out of all the people, why him? why do i have to meet him again? i mean, he has done a lot of good for me... he changed my appearance, he made me lose weight, he made me eat healthier, he basically changed my physical appearance. but all i have to say is that he will never change my hate towards him. he called me ugly, he teased me, i don't even know why i liked him.

his eyes, his lips, his nose, his hair; those were all the features that made me fall for him. but then i realized; his attitude was the feature that made me move on from him.

"hello? earth to haewon?" hyungwon said, waving his hand in front of my face. i snapped out of my thoughts.

"hmm?" i said, eating the food that was on my fork.

"you seem bothered." jooheon, hyungwon's friend, said.

"agreed." sojung and hyungwon said in unison.

"why?" they all asked.

"uh, sojung, i think you know. you tell them." i said.

"ohhhh." sojung said, nodding as she understood. "he's back."

"who's back?" hyungwon and jooheon asked.

"hong jisoo." i said, putting my fork down.

"WHAT?" hyungwon said loudly, so loud that almost all the people in the cafeteria looked at us. i just nodded.

"okay! i think we're done eating, now let's go on the school tour!" jooheon said, trying to change the subject.

"ok, let's go." hyungwon said as we stood up and put our trays on the 'used trays' basket thing. "you tell me about it while we go show you around."

we started walking around the school, and hyungwon and jooheon started telling us the history, memorable times, etc. after a few minutes, we got tired and decided to take a break and sit on a bench.

the four of us sat down on a bench and started talking.

"what are you going to do about it, haewon?" hyungwon asked. i gave him a questionable face. "it?" i asked.

"you know, the hong ji-"

"i'm going to try to avoid him." i said, cutting him off. "by the way, i heard you are pretty popular around here." i said, changing the subject. hyungwon and jooheon nodded at my statement.

"i mean, we became less popular since it's just the two of us now." jooheon said.

"oh yeah, because wonho, minhyuk, and kihyun graduated!" sojung said.

"yup." jooheon and hyungwon said.

suddenly, i heard voices from the other side of the hall. "jisoo, are you liking the school so far?"

jisoo? shoot. nah, maybe it's another jisoo.

"hello? hong jisoo? answer me!" the same voice said, but now louder and closer to us.

whoops, spoke too soon.

unexpectedly, when the other three were talking, i hid behind the bench. they were about to ask me why until sojung noticed jisoo and his newly made friends. she pointed to them amd the two boys mouthed an 'oh' before chatting like nothing happened.

i saw jisoo and his friends walk past the bench in a blink of an eye. "you can come out now." sojung said.

i came out from behind the bench and sat back in between sojung and hyungwon. we then spent the rest of the lunch chatting.

the next few days went on just like that; avoiding jisoo. it was finally friday, and i was waiting in the bus stop with hyungwon. the bus finally came, and i went in and looked for a seat. there were only two seats left, one beside a boy, and one beside an old lady. hyungwon sat beside the old lady and i went further back to sit on the only seat left.

as i sat down, i realize who was sitting beside me... hong jisoo. he was reading a book with earphones on, but he doesn't look like he noticed me. i need to change seats with hyungwon... now!

i stood up from my seat, and starting walking towards hyungwon. the bus was bumpy, and i struggled going to hyungwon.

"uh, young lady, i advise you to sit down. the road's bumpy." the bus driver said, looking at me through the mirror.

"ah, sorry." i said, heading back to my seat beside jisoo, but at the same time looking for other vacant seats. sigh, no more vacant seats. fine, i'll just sit beside him.

i sat back beside him, and now he seems to notice me. i just flash a smile, hoping that he won't recognize me.

luckily, the whole bus ride to school, he was occupied by reading. i was the first one to get out the bus, and as i got out, i let out a heavy sigh of relief, waiting for hyungwon to get out. as jisoo came out, i turned around to avoid his gaze. then, someone tapped my shoulder, i turned around, relieved to see hyungwon.

"you won't believe what happened." i said.

"you sat beside jisoo?" he guessed.

"yep, how'd you know?"

"when i was standing up from my seat, he passed me. i turned around but didn't see you, and then, everything just clicked together." he said.

"that was the worst bus ride i have ever had in my life." i said.

word count: 889 words

falling for u   ➳   joshua hongWhere stories live. Discover now